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letter to kasin moonsabne

the text has been written with endless care in beautiful lettering

Honoured Sir

I was lucky enow to speak to Mister Porki Thool and he tolt me as how there is a place for the dwarves of this place as may wish to hold to the old ways. He said how i should arsk your honoured self if i might apply to become a sonnelith in the great CLAN STOUTHEART. How it would make me old mam's breast swell with pride to hear that I, simple Fignar Krin (tho it is my friends as know me as Figgy and I hope I shall one day be a friend to the CLAN STOUTHEART) a mere girl as was always beating the senses back into my six foolish brothers could one day be part of a renowned Clan. If you would be kind enow to inform me how I may begin to earn the honour of some small place in the CLAN, you would have my internal gratefulness. I can be contacted at the Last Stand which is a place almost as clean as my own dear Mam would keep it. Your very humble servant, Fignar Krin


I would be happy to meet you and will ask Porki about you. There a couple of things that you must know before you seek to join us.

We are faithful to the Moradinsammen, we inisist that all who are in Clan Stoutheart similarly follow the gods of our ancestors.

Once we have decided that you are of good promise (Sonneilth), there is a period where we will watch you and you must prove your worth and loyalty to your kin. This process is not always quick, but it is fair.

I will see what Porki thinks and look to speak to you myself

Kasin Moonsbane

*a slightly wobbly hand - as if in extreme excitement* Honoured Sir, I thank ye for your kind response - I honour the Trued Faith of the peple and my mam would have cleved my skul if it been diffrent. I look forward to your testing and will be honoured if you find time to speek to me. Ms Figgy Krin


We will look forward to meeting you. Take care of yourself and may Vergadain keep your pockets full of coin!
