Bloody Pursuit
2007-09-10 19:59:02 UTC
(Posted outside the Pissing Crone)
Arsden Lazaz was ambushed and murdered last cycle by Sergeant Valaron Sunellar in the tunnels below Old Goblin Town. Arsden was attempting to commune with the spirit of Greemio, to ensure that the goblin spirits left Lower in peace. Those that bore witnesses to the brutal slaying must contact me at once at the Crone that proper steps may be taken.
Van Volfram
Employee of the Pissing Crone
Bloody Pursuit
2007-09-10 22:24:37 UTC
[Posted outside the Pissing Crone]
Steps Are Being Taken
I intend to ruin the murderer Watch Sergeant Sunellar. I will destroy his name and reputation among those of his own people that profess to hold justice in their heart.
We wish the following addressed:
1. Sergeant Sunellar was acting in the capacity of a Watchman while in Lower territory. He specifically stated that Lower was within his jurisdiction.
2. Sergeant Sunellar assaulted Arsden Lazaz invisibly from behind with no warning while Arsden was battling to free Lower of the undead goblins. Sergeant Sunellar assaulted Kadin the Monk as he attempted to retrieve the corpse of Arsden Lazaz.
3. Sergeant Sunellar murdered Arsden Lazaz after he was shackled, near death, and helpless. He then covered the body in oil and set him on fire.
4. Sergeant Sunellar robbed the corpse of Arden Lazaz, among which was a key belonging to Cyrus, operater of the Pissing Crone Inn within Lower Santuary. Sergeant Sunellar refuses to relinquish this property to the Pissing Crone.
Van Volfram
Employee of the Pissing Crone of Lower Sanctuary