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Web Site

I'm sure you are way ahead of me on this, but some things on the web site should probably be updated. There are places that talk about, "when the server goes live," as well as Victoria stil chilling in the prominant figures. I'm sure there is more, but those are just what I caught briefly.

We may still be waiting for colin to get this PC of his sorted so we can put him back in the web-monkey page. You sorted yet colin?


Wait... She's dead?!

I could change/add a few things if needed.

It's a conspiracy. She's actually still alive!

Her name is on the voting ballot machine thingy!

Vote for Victoria... the counciler that makes the citizins come first! sorry... she died so I wasn't able to do my campaign for her... this seems like a good place.

It is intentional that the "prominent NPCs" section has not yet been changed.

New PC has arrived, I'm running through the website and making changes. I'm also doing some cosmetic changes, so the update will take a while. Stay tuned.

I'd say two things important to change immediately.

#1: Header graphic. We need to reduce the file size. That translates into actual dollars in web hosting since I think it's the number 1 reason for our bandwidth issues.

#2: Application FAQ up. This one is big since I think it will help a lot of the problems people have recently had on apps.

Everything else comes after.

If I may suggest something that desperately needs to be add, please add information to the site regarding changes that have been made to the game mechanics. While I know that some of the changes, such as the death syste, are listed, I've seen more than one person wonder, OoC, about resting and the like.

Dolorous Edd If I may suggest something that desperately needs to be add, please add information to the site regarding changes that have been made to the game mechanics. While I know that some of the changes, such as the death syste, are listed, I've seen more than one person wonder, OoC, about resting and the like.

I'd first point you here: https://efupw.com/efu1-forum/topic/37/377/mechanics-changes/index.html

And then here: https://efupw.com/efu1-forum/topic/15/1508/server-feature-list/index.html

Thrawn I'd first point you here: https://efupw.com/efu1-forum/topic/37/377/mechanics-changes/index.html

And then here: https://efupw.com/efu1-forum/topic/15/1508/server-feature-list/index.html

I'd reply that the word "rest" or an explanation of the resting system on EfU does not appear on either of those threads, as a specific lacuna.

If the Bandwith isn't too bad of a problem I'd love to see a EFU Who's Who thing going on.