Citizens of Sanctuary,
As you know, the Library plans to expand its activities from a simple place where knowledge can be stored and consulted to one where there is actual output of produced knowledge.
As part of our charter, we must always look out for Sanctuary's truest interests with every work we conduct. With that in mind, I hereby declare the Library has opened itself to submissions of research projects.
What are Research Projects?
A research project is a coordinated attempt by the Library's research staff to answer a question, or meet certain goals outlined by a research project proposal. Proposals can be submitted by any citizen of Sanctuary, or by any member of the research staff.
How do I write a good research proposal?
It's simple! Look for the form at the end of this poster and answer all of the questions and requirements on it, then leave it for Curator Ehring.
What will you do with my proposal?
Every serious proposal (that is, one that answers the questions outlined in the form below appropriately) will be posted on the Laboratory's internal boards, to be read and discussed by the research team. Once it has been properly discussed, and its merits weighed, it will be voted upon. Should it pass the vote, your proposal will become a project, with a project head and assigned researchers to work on it.
So you want me to bust my ass finding interesting things for you to study, then hand the goods over and be on my merry way, whilst you reap the obvious rewards?
Of course not! Chief among the Library's duties is the defense of Sanctuary's interests, so, rest assured, any final reports on your research will be added to the Library's collection as soon as they are completed, for all to read and learn from. Also, if your proposal is accepted for study by the Library staff, you will be invited to join the project in a temporary capacity, as one of its researchers! Depending on the scope of the project, you may even be asked to invite a few associates to join the project, so you can always keep an eye on what we are doing, and participate actively in the discoveries and exciting adventures surrounding your project!
How do I get involved with this in a more permanent way?
Simple! Join the Library's research team, and you will be privy to all the research you can possibly devote yourself to!
What if my research entails dangerous travels? What if it yields dangerous military applications?
The Library will hire freelance adventurers to assist the researchers in uncovering anything they might require for their studies in the Underdark at large. As for the second question, if your research stumbles upon knowledge that can easily be used for military purposes, the Library will inform the Council immediately, and they will decide what to do with it.
Below is a copy of the Research Project Proposal Form,
Form RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSAL FORM:Observation: By submitting and signing this form you (the sponsor) hereby relinquish any right of 'ownership' over the knowledge contained herein, and any subsequent findings this project yields. You recognize that knowledge has no owner and that the rightful place of this projects' findings is within the Sanctuary Library, from which any citizen of our city who wishes to learn about this subject may request illumination.
1) Name, race, occupation and place of residence of the sponsor:
2) Name of the project:
3) What is the exact nature of your project? What is its field of study? What do you believe will be its main obstacles? Do you foresee the need for any expeditions or for the acquisition of any particular items for its completion? Outline these briefly and concisely.
4) What questions do you intend to see answered by this project? What goals do you intend to see fulfilled?
5) How will Sanctuary benefit from the knowledge generated by this project? Why is it a worthwhile pursuit for the Library and the City?
Attach below any documents or reports pertaining to the project you may possess or have access to. This is very important, as it saves us from having to conduct preliminary examinations of the topic, and allows us to move onto more important things from the get-go.
Keep in mind! Projects are big undertakings. Do not expect your questions to be answered overnight, or your goals to be fulfilled quickly. This is a commitment to continued work and dedication in the name of knowledge and the city of Sanctuary.
Also, keep in mind: Simple questions regarding natural sciences or the history of our town can be much more easily answered by simply examining the body of work contained in the library. "Who was Charles Bresley" or "What are the ways to kill a Deep Lizard" do not constitute appropriate inquiries for a project, being too small and simple in scope.
- Curator Ehring