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Watch Priest/Medic

My suggestion is mainly for those in the Watch, maybe it belongs in the Watch forum, maybe not.

I think an NPC Watch Priest/Medic should be placed in the Barracks, offering blessings/healing for free (or if not, for a small fee) to these tired souls who have taken a beating or have been poisoned, etc. This guy would work a lot like the guy in the Hold. I think its only natural that the law enforcers have these things available to them.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this guy should be giving out free healing potions, because that would make it imbalanced. Just a few patches for the guys going to bed after a long day at work.

Think about it... ^^

The watch is provided with healing 1/day things to my knowledge, I think that is fine.

Pst, check out the Helmite Shrine and the shop in the Watch House barracks.