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Leaving, see you all later.

It has been fun playing on efu and fun interacting with most of the players and their characters here, but its time for me to stop playing for a while.

Might be back sometime, but for now see you all later. :D

I will still be on irc though! - Wern8.

I'll see you on IRC where we will discuss such things as hot PC's, The great Malaysian chef: Wan, CoH and all things lame. Talk to you tomorrow, Wern8. :O

It's been fun!

Ill give you 2 weeks then you will be back :-)

Who will quest rape with me now?

Hope to see you back soon, we need some smiting!

I love you, Wern.



Much love for wern8! Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.

Bai bai, champion of all that is right and holy, and Tr0m. :(

<3 for Wern

... and we shall hang his sword upon the mantel.

Never has a PC actually reflected the Player of the Character so much :D

Smite-on holy brother!

Have fun in RL Wern8


We'll miss you, Wern. Your paladins are top notch, and in your uphill, unwinnable battle to convince the EfU community that Torm isn't lawful evil, you've demonstrated the patience of Job.

Sleep well, sweet prince.

Now who will be our avatar of love, valor, chastity and smitey justice?

:cry: Who will save the children, now that Wern8 is gone?

You heartless fiend!

Werner... :(

We'll play paladins together again.


Much <3

Wern :(

Enjoy your break and come back soon. EfU's not the same without your Paladins :(

At last we're free of Wern's tyranical law and order! Freeeeedoooommmmmm

wern's paladins are the best, we'll miss them <3

I thought you loved me :(

Adios enjoy your Mountain Climbing in the Malay forests