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Mad Fist Mogae

So, that's it. The last Loon has fallen, even though I hope that the Lower Loons made some kind of impact on the server.

Mogae Negerau was a character I truly enjoyed my time with. He had many of the aspects I cherish as a player, with many a turnpoint and sideroad in his life. Still I think he managed to keep his priorities, something which got to him in the end.

Much thanks to everyone I got to play him with, and here's a few goodies for you all.

Back in the days, east side alley.

Just one of those moments.

Sightseeing at Fish island

Looking cool.

Giving Upper a lesson, fistcuffs style.

Mogae got pretty close, but something tells me he was never meant to reach lvl 8.

Being ballsy.

Execution, don't mess with us.

I said don't mess with us.

And.. Not long before he kicked the bucket.

And this also means, I'm open for concept suggestions! >_>

Hee hee, made it to some screenies. No Zyviss, tho :<. Man, Loons were so much fun. Pity they ended like this. And about concepts, join me and Berosion on ours.

The loons died with no regrets, they did what they want and no bugger would say no unless they wanted a beating.... Why do the good ones always die so young :(

As usual Canzah, it was a great pleasure roleplaying with you (and the rest of the loons of course) I also wish that anyone who had a experience with them enjoyed as much as they could.

Lower for life!

As always, an epic Canzah Gang Character.

Mad Fist Mog has rocked thorugh out many of my characters, and I Wish you the best of luck on your next (*CoughDuergarCough*)

I concur with RwG. Time to go Duergar Canzah!

We can party in the fugue.

Yeah, me too. :twisted:

You rock, Canzah. Please continue kicking ass.



....Frum was meant to kill you...Why...WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember the "other people's threads" comments directed at you over the ages, Thomas.

I'll let you off Berosion.

Awesome character, although I hated him ICly, that never stopped the flame of <3 burning in my heart.


Awesome and interesting char, Canzah. The Loons all pulled off exactly waht a Player faction should be like.

- DD


Hehe, I forgot to add this.

Great job mate.

Ahh fond memories of the Loons and Mogae, both before and after the "truce" with Fin. Wish I had more time to interact with you fellas before the end. As always, another epic Canzah creation! Looking forward to your next.

I love you, Canzah.

Make a Spelltyrant next. Let's crush those rebels.

omg the SS of you killing my killer is the best man you rock the loons rocked your next char is gonna rock lol

Lower 4 Lyfe lmfao

Mad Fist was a fine character. He had a lot of heart and an awesome attitude. As one of those he worked against it was a pleasure to see him in action. I remember we were a four man party that met him by himself in the sewers and our characters were afraid of him - not the other way around! That was good rp.

Great job, Canzah. :D