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Role Playing Characters Abilities

I'm wondering if there is a list of all the abilities and how you can role play them being high/low? (If a non-DM has it PM it to me please).

Just try to be creative and use your interpretation of it. If you have zero ranks in bluff, maybe have your guy turn a shade red and start sweating if he needs to lie his way out of something. Maybe instead you'll have him look to his feet, or st-stu-stutter.

On the other side of the spectrum, if you have ranks in those abilities, feel free to blabber out lies.

We're open to pretty much any reasonable interpretation, as long as there is an interpretation to begin with. If your character makes a fantastic lie with a -3 bluff, well...

I meant in particular how do I RP high wisdom?

You perceive and comprehend what's going on around you.

This may be over-simplified, but consider Wisdom as the 'input' level of the mind. You will be attuned to what's occuring around you, see things for what they are, consider the consequences of various actions, understand the basic relationships between people/god/animals, you will consider people's motives, generally be alert to your surroundings...anything that requires functional mental 'input' - how you interpret your surroundings.

For example, if you had average Int and high Wis, you might not know anything about the fabulous history of the people of Jabbaland, but you would be more aware as to what they're feeling or thinking, even if you didn't speak their language.

On the other side, Intelligence could be considered 'output'. How well your processes numbers, words, theories, ideas, concepts, tactics, strategies and such of your own devise.

For example, if you had average Wis and high Int, you might not realise that the hungry Jabbalander is desperate and about to rob you for food money, but you could probably give a colorful lecture on their local customs.

Hope that makes a bit of sense!