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Agrael Lothor's Pictures

Calvin inspired me to post some pictures of the World I took to inspire people to look around ... I got a lot of them, I will try to get some more of cooler events.


First couples of ones are about a small unfortunate visit into... an extremely dangerous territory which almost ended my char, but when you do stupid things... I guess you just have to suck up. ;)

1. "Well, look at that... 'bout four of 'em Beholders... Guess I cant go back this way."

2. This was why I knew I was at the wrong... place.. "Wait.. this isnt the surface?"

3. Hmm-mmm.

4. Should I try my luck? After-all, he is alone and he is guarding "THE" Path.

5. In the End, I just barricaded myself inside a ruined building.. and waited for the Beholder Patrol to clear up... Good thing I had a few rations left!

6. Some people go swimming with the dolphins, Ag prefers to swim with the zombies...

7. He even convinced uptight fancy artists to join the fun... everybody was doing it.

8. In an effort to understand the secret of the Crystals, Agrael spend some time playing with them... lighting them up... It makes a nice picture, but does not reveal the secret way to the surface.. Bummer.

9. Knock, knock, "who'se" there?

10. Hey, Grum-Mush, did you hear something?

11. Necromancer's wetdream?

12. This isnt ..the way home?

13. Sacrificing folks to demonlords... we do it everyday.

14. This was my last one, when cleaning duties called: A fat overweight bare-knuckle fighter, a nervous rat-like coffee chain-smoking halfling, a strange duergar bachelor and a crazed pirate answered the call... Sadly, I was the only one to get stuck in this cool pose.

More coming.. when I think about taking them and they are not spoilerish to post them.


He really does see all:

The only thing that goes through your head at a time like this, is-


Haha, that's a nice screenshot! :P

But.. You're hijacking MrLothor's thread!

Nice shots. I had a pretty damn good rogue character that explored much of the area around it including the same locations with those beholders.

It's fun to be able to explore somewhat safely. Emphasis on the somewhat part. And I've had my share of witnessing several events that I wasn't supposed to ICly (well he would have been killed if the other characters had known).

Either way, i seriously encourage people to go and take groups and explore. It's sad, but most people wont do this because there isn't an XP or gold to be earned. But I've found some really rare items and found some pretty fun secret locations by exploring.

Though if something goes wrong and you're alone, a hin rogue with the will save of a drunk half orc, consider that a ticket to fugue-ville.

HOWEVER, to get back on topic, those are really nice shots and I bet your heart was pounding during some of them.

Not to hijack further, but the belief there is no gold or XP in exploring is wrong. There is actually considerable XP for finding far-off places, as well as the creatures you find tend to have treasure that is actually useful or valuable!

Random_White_Guy He really does see all:

The only thing that goes through your head at a time like this, is-


RwG can hijack my thread with awesome screenies all he wants xD.

I like the Last PM he gets before that happens.

OMG FLEE! :lol:

Top screenies!

More Screenies!

Poor Deputies. :(



Travelling in EfU can lead you to meet the Past!

"The King!"

"The Caddies come to town, we tried to steal his loot stash."

"Faith helping me when I tried to reason Reev into pacifism."

"Reev Vs. Yhaunn" Before their untimely departure.

Finally- I will conclude with two screenshots from Yesterday - I call them:

The Start!

The End! :lol:

No Spoilers here I would think, keep up on the awesome!

P.S. No, Agrael is not dead.. This was presented in a way to dramatize. It might not reflect the awesomeness of what happened :P