Move clothing dummies further away from walls. I want to see how the outfit will look like from behind as well. It's especially hard to set the pelvis and belt parts right if you can't see it from all angles.
I want to see more behinds
Maybe make all race models too, sometimes when you make something it looks good on the human form, than it put it on a dwarf it looks bad.
Keep the dummies in an open space too please, the camera does some annoying repositioning things whenever you make an alteration.
That's because of the way NWN handles the camera in dialogues.
You can just 'unclick' the option "Zoom on Dialogue" in the Controls, and it should stop annoying you.
Also, the clothing models correspond to the merchant race.
Couldn't the DM's implement a script that makes the dummies turn around so that you can see the rear without moving the camera? I have seen this done elsewhere.
It's a slight pain-in-the-proverbial, but it's not really inhibiting anything. Just adjust your camera! Hold down the arrow key(s)!
Would be nice to have better lighting in the areas as well so those of us that are ... picking on matching the colors up can do so a bit more easily :)
Turn your gramma slider to MAX for the Underdark feelin'.
It's the underdark.
Just the crafting room sillies :P
I_dont_eat_children Move clothing dummies further away from walls. I want to see how the outfit will look like from behind as well. It's especially hard to set the pelvis and belt parts right if you can't see it from all angles.
*subtle pump*
Um.. and to clarify, this would help a lot especially at the Blazon Tailoring.