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Ever since the server change, I've had the most annoying lag ever which I've tolerated untill my characters got fugued due to it, if I can't get rid of it then there is no way I can continue playing on EFU :(

Thats where you guys come in, any ideas on how the hell I can get rid of this damned lag? I have not changed my internet settings or anything like that. (thats what annoys me the most)

Kudos in advance

i would imagine it is more complicated than this but have you tried the usual turning down of the water reflecting, shadow effects etc. in the graphic options?

I had it too because I did a reinstallation on a new PC. Not sure if this is what you did, but if it is-

After much research I found out the main problem was 'Dual Core' related and I had to change 'CPU Affinity' in nwnplayer.ini -- the strange lag persisted until I turned off shiny water and toned down how many dynamic shadows/lights.

Some of the lag also may be related to newer drivers and GPUs trying to do a little to much to old effects. I get slow downs too for some specific visual effects used in game.

Lag seems to have subsided for now, all by turning the graphics down... Strange.

Huge thanks for the help!

Sucked to see you die back there, by the way. I left all of your belongings with Canzah and Jasede; don't let the laggomonster beat you! Glad it's sorted out now.