Saiede Shau Imago
Nice shots sir!
H8! Poor Carson :|
One of those is awfully spoilerish... Still cool, though.
Yeaaaaah. Saide Shao IMAGO.
I believe I met Saiede a grand total of -one- time. That only proves how well he played his assassin. They're not meant to be seen, eh?
Edit: Holy crap, this is just creepy. I am so glad I didn't meet that guy more often. *shudder*. And they called this server PG-13.
Edit 2: Out of honest curiousity- how come the server is entirely hostile to any sort of sexuality [No prostitutes in Lower, no bordello, despite both being absolutely logical] but gratious depictions of gore are okay? Is it an American thing? As an European I can't help but be appalled by some of the violence and visceral writing the DMs and players employ while they at the same time codemn quite a bit of innuendo and, ah, carnality- it strikes me as hypocrisy. I know it is off-topic, but if a DM might still answer, I'd be entirely delighted.
Edit 3: Reading that dialogue made me physically ill. I certainly hope the DMs will accept it if I ask for a "fade to black" at particularly gruesome scenes? If I was that poor bard I'd have asked for that. Gore, blood and violence are things I thoroughly detest and I hope that they can't be forced on me without consent on Efu?
That is ridiculous. If everyone could die like that, no one would ever complain. Just a fantastic job of RP! I hope you got a heap of XP for that little exchange!
Not that great RP isn't it's own reward. :wink:
It's a very rare thing to sincerely thank someone after he kills your character. Rock on, my friend.
Also, that's Emissary Mulciber Atramentous seated across from Imago in the screen with Mieren. Team Evil has all the fun. ^^
While sex and violence are similar in some ways, Sex is often a much more touchy subject in culture. You see murder and blood in horror movies at the theatres all the time. AMC 24 generally doesn't have showings of "Backdoor Sluts 9" though. Many minors play here on EfU, and while a 13 year old can see a brutal horror movie if they're with a parent or trusted adult, it's 'illegal' for them to view any sort of pornographic content under the age specified by local law and custom. So there's the rational reasoning, but i think the real reason tends to be which situation a DM would rather not walk into, more.
"*maons*" or "*Blaaaarrgh!*" and the things each would actively add to the server.
Also: Excellent screenshots. Looks like an awesome time.
Must be an European thing then. I find walking into cybersex [which can actually be a plot-device] absolutely equally appaling to walking into someone chopping someone into tiny bits. See, in Europe getting a kid into a violent movie is a lot [A LOT] harder than to get it into a movie where there's a lot of sex and flesh. Meh.
As long as no DM complains if I want to fade to black at those scenes it's okay. And as long players respect it if I'd rather not have accurate descriptions of them chopping me to bits.
Enough off-topic, for now-
The screenshots show some nice RP, even if I'd fade-to-black it. Rock on.
Jasede, you have no idea how turned on I am right now.
That's entirely epic WinstonMartin, Saiede is crazy mad.
Thanks for reminding me how sad and pathetic my roleplaying ability is winston!. :wink: good stuff guy. good stuff. You got like 3 day workshop or something? tony robbins isn't doing shit for me. :lol:
Great stuff. Truly.
Rp to aspire to, just when I thought I was making progress, the bar is placed again out of reach. Amazing, better then in most novels of the same ilk!
This is the kind of RP that makes EfU what it is. Awesome, awesome stuff.
SAIEDE DAmn did you actually drink his blood and eat his heart?
I'm absolutely amazed. I've seen Saiede in the player list for ages, but just thought it was some random character. I've understood better now! All this looks truly awesome.
Another intriguing Winston creation, perhaps a bit more so than the others.
Awesome character man.
Oh, the good times we've had.
Fun trip, suitable ending.
The RP you used alongside this guy made him shine. He was creepy, yet you were drawn in because you had to know why....but in the end, it seems even any who knew a little, truely had no idea.
I stamp this 100% pure grade A awesome. Simply perfect.
As a collector of PvP Deaths, easily more than 20, I can say without a doubt that was one of my favorites yet.
Quick. Efficient. And a Life Lesson given.
It was a pleasure, Winston.
Sweet. Awesoem character man.
I don't understand something...he has some loot posted there that could only be from the formian attack...I thought this character died several weeks ago? o.O
He died last night.
How? FOIG!
He was so awesome the DMs DM killed him to prevent him from usurping the throne of EfU romances.
I don't really want to know how he died....oh wait, the whole thread is dedicated to his death!
I'm just saying, this thread was put up a while before 'last night' wasn't it? <_<
You too can stop FOIG spamming in your neighborhood.
He was posting screenies before his death.
I've been afraid of crossing powerful NPCs since Donovan walked out on Apathetic Annie, the sole reason being that Imago would track whatever character I was playing down and butcher him.
Well played, good sir.
I am not really a fan of Saiede or how he was played, or even his emotes so I can't really say anything positive. I suppose you did well? You were a decent roleplayer so it wasn't too bad, I guess, even if I loathe your... visceral style. Though maybe you were forced to that with the role you picked, so there you go.
Often when I met him he seemed faceless, empty, hollow. Maybe it was supposed to be that way, but he seemed like the union of all sets that contain "assassinness" so I wasn't really impressed. Just my two cents.
Preach it, brother.
Personally, I liked Saide. I like evil people who work for coin, it's great.
Jasede ...
Or to put it a bit more PG-13ly: This is a thread to post one's opinion about Saiede, the character, and how he was played, right? That's what I did. My opinion and some criticism. There's no "please only post positive stuff kthx" rule, and that's good.
If Winston is like most good authors are he'll be glad he got some not so positive post about his character, because for an author the worst thing that can happen is everyone praising his book without a single bit of criticism, a chance to improve. Hermann Hesse was pissed off when everyone praised his pretty damn queer "Narziss und Goldmund" without a single line of criticism. It made him feel as if people weren't reading his book thoroughly enough, because frankly, none of us are without flaws and need others to be aware of this.
Why did I post so much? Scalebane, this should be loving obvious.
Awesome character and player.
DeputyCool He was posting screenies before his death.
Thanks for clearing up my confusion DC, didn't realize that part.
The Imago! lives on.
This is fantastic. It's really stuff like this that makes me want to play EfU again.
Accurate depiction of an assassin. A short, soul-less life in the fast lane followed by death. I like it. :) Where do I get in on real RP on this server like this stuff huh?
Reference Samurai X. Assassins work like this:
Skill grows, and risk grows exponentially. As they get better and better, the jobs get harder and HARDER, usually surpassing the assassin's skill soon, resulting in the death of the assassin. However, if you wanna be one of those epic assassins that never fails you gotta surpass that mark and keep getting better, because eventually the difficulty tops out and everyone you fight will get pwned.