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I'll be going away for a few days starting tomorrow morning.


Why does no one say bye to me, but they say bye to everyone else!!!??

Because there was like....three hours between there and there....

:( Now you hurt my feelings *runs away and cries*


I do: Bye.

Cya soon.


I was going to say see ya later, but you went and ran off, so I'll just do it and not say it.

FAREWELL cya in the next life perhaps



Come back soooooooooon!


cya 8)

Au revoir

Have fun wherever you are going.

Don't come back. What is it with all those goodbyes threads? If you'd at least stay away a month or so...

Edit: I suppose it's better than those "LESBIAN TONGUE PORN HOT INCEST RAPE VIDS" threads.

A95 is obviously going off to employ a highly elite team of mercenaries that are currently on the run for a crime they didn't commit, in order to hunt down these spambots at source and destroy them.

I thought that that was clear?

Oh, and bye for a few days, A95! Good luck defeating those pesky things.

I'll be back at least by this time tomorrow (hopefully alot sooner)

I went to Pittsburg for anyone who cares.