Hello everyone, Tossing my hat into the ring so to speak. A very fond hello to everyone! -dholt5
Great to see you here, old friend. I have a feeling you'll enjoy it ;)
Welcome :)
It's nice to see so much crossover happening here. 8)
All these wonderfully established and skillfull role-players will be making for a very fruitful experience.
Good stuff.
Well, I will also be hanging around on Escape from the Underdark once I finished my move into the US ... yeah, you heard correct .. Well, looking forward to seeing all of you ..
that be Thorkm .. alias Dale / Anyndil / Marena / Nora / Juston
Scarrow It's nice to see so much crossover happening here. 8)All these wonderfully established and skillfull role-players, and then people like OMGbearis driving, will be making for a very fruitful experience.
Good stuff.
Count me in as well.
Thanks to Arkov for letting me know about this project. I'm very excited to see how much effort all of you have put into this already. My playing time (as it has been elsewhere) is unlikely to be much, I'm afraid, but you'll definitely see me in-game from time to time when this gets going.
Good luck!
Glad to have your interest, picayune.
Speaking of interest, has anybody else noticed how Metro and Thea have similar avatars?
(Oh, and welcomewelcomewelcome to dholt5 and picayune and everybody else.)
My is way prettier. :D
Similar? That's a bit of a stretch.
P.S. - And mine is prettier than Thea's.
Me too, I want to say Hello too. "Hello"
Welcome everyone. :)
We're gonna be in for a bunch of good times once this server gets running.