Citizens of Lower, you are facing a threat of unimaginable force, and the time has grown short for you to save yourselves. The mageocracy, along with several other mechanist loyalists seek to re spark the machine! How does this concern you? The machine, like all abhorrent creations, requires fuel, and that fuel, in short, is you. Soon, the robed wizards and there minions from above will come calling, to gather you up for there vile purpose. You must act now, or apathy will allow them to use lower in a way so horrendous as yet to be imagined, not just a genocide of all living matter in lower, but worse, a sacrificial genocide that will bring life as you know it to an end! Rise up! Save yourselves! Do not allow the misguided ambitions of a few men to bring your end! You must act, or they will!! Defend yourselves! Do not go quietly into the jaws of the machine!