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Time of Voting is soon at hand.

Good current and former citizens of the Sanctuary

We live in middle of troubled times, and our fair town is divided to pieces. We have the New Dunwarren, Spellguard town and then there is the lower and its divisions. Needless to say I am deeply unhappy with the situation, and it needs to change. Things have only gone worse since the First Citizen ended the position of Mayor and destroyed the basis of the council, and matters went from bad to worse when he was horridly murdered. The dignity of the Council and the glory of our town needs to be restored. The current council has, even if it is mostly unseen to you, had long dialogue with all the parties. There has been some progress, but it is unlikely that this situation is solved before next elections. I will not lie, the situation is difficult, but patience and tireless effort, we will once again overcome all the odds.

In the past I have done what I promised, and I am one of the councillors who has actually done his tasks, replied his letters and improved the city. I am also the most senior councillor serving the city currently.

I wish to continue my work, and the work of my fellow Councillor Frum Highill who was brutally murdered by a cowardly masked man. It pains me that we have no longer his wisdom to aid the city in matters of trade, but I will do my best to continue to honour his work and make sure the city he gave his life for does continue to improve.

I hope you will allow me to continue to my third term, so I may continue my work. We need stability but we also need change, we need people who know what they are doing, and have patience to do the job right.

Make the responsible choice, vote for Wyric Crowshire