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Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, to the Council, on Metal

((This thread got a lot better once we introduced gnomes.))

Fellow Councillors,

It seems we have a lack of metal in our Settlement, and a lack of information to help us actually get something done. The latter, we sadly cannot do much about if others does not inform us of this problem, but the former should be dealt with.

If any of you know of any miners or such to find new sources of ore, and a smith to shape it into armor or fellow Sancturians need, please contact them. I will see what I can do on my own.

Councilor Andrik Krown


While I'm glad that you seem to have caught on to this fact, it is a little late in the term for it. In any case I will appraise you of what has been going on regarding this that I know of; Clan Stoutheart, specifically Porki Thule, has been leading prospecting expeditions into the surrounding underdark in order to ascertain the locations of ore deposits.

While he has currently not found a sizeable deposit as yet, he is very confident that such will be found- In his own words- svirfneblin may be crazy but they wouldn't build their city in a region without several minesights to supply them.

I would advise offering what help you could to Mr Thule, or finding someone else with prospecting experience that would be willing to put it to use for the good of the city.


The Watch Scribe has reported to the Office of the Herald that they are lacking a metal supplier. New watchmen are being supplied with leather suits instead of chain suits. It was mentioned that if this is not fixed soon, over time the current chain suits worn by the Watch are bound to endure wear and tear and be unusable.

This also applies to the Watch's weapon stores. Wooden weapons may need to begin being utilized in the near future.

Assistant Nurb Office of the Herald


I have made some progress. Following a rumor gotten from the Sergeant outside the Town Hall, I and two others went into Lower to talk with a former member of the Watch there. A bit trouble erupted, as someone discovered that I was a Councilor, but a deal has been made.

Harrison, who purchase scrap metal from anyone willing to sell, is opening a small shop in Lower where he will mainly sell Splint Mail. If we are able to find ore for him, we can get other equipment as well, and cheaper. However, a deal regarding this may be problematic concerning Lower's general view of us. This is a possible solution, if nothing else.

Councilor Andrik Krown

One thinks it will be hard to find ore, then our ally we have not heard from since the Ambassador was assassinated comes and tells me that they have found ore, and are willing to trade with us.

In return for the ore, they have put up some requests they wish to have: - A statue of Great Shadow Death above the Town Hall (the kobolds will make this out of our stone) - Seeker uniform for collection - Emissary power to veto unfavorable merchant laws - Dedication plaque for the arrangement

The ore will be at a 'low' price and shipped to the Embassy.

I have told them that we would send a letter with the decision. As one mentioned to me, it has some drawbacks concerning morale and other such things.

For now, let us keep this option open untill we hear what others can give us.

Councilor Andrik Krown

Who is our new contact to the Shadow Tribe?

The kobolds' leader, the one wearing a wig.

I believe it calls itself Aurelius Natch, or something similar.

The Office of Engineering has notified us that their metal supply has just run out. Metal maintenance of governmental structures has halted.

Assistant Bockon Office of the Herald

Fellow Councillors,

I have spent the mayority of this day cycle to ponder upon this problem and speak with various citizens. A druid has informed me that a Trader near the Dark Lake could perhaps get us some answers regarding ore supply, even, hopefully, show us if there are others willing to sell ore. The druid confirmed the presence of ore in the Underdark, but near or not I have no idea of. He refused to show me the direction or tell me the exact location, due to his view of things.

A thought has crossed my mind. Where did the Mikkelsons get their metal from? And where did we, Upper Sanctuary, get our metal from?

If we can manage to find out that, perhaps it could lead us to ore or an supplier of it. Do any of you know anyone who had connection with the Mikkelsons?

Assistand Bockon and Assistand Nurb,

Who was the original supplier of metal to the Watch and the Office of Engineering? Why did they run out?

Councillor Andrik Krown

Esteemed Councilor Krown,

Most of Sanctuary's metal ore supply came from the Clan Grunstubhle and their mining operations until they dried out the nearby mines and left, stealing our citizen's bank money in the process. Since then, governmental organizations have been running off of surplus and recycled metal, with many contributions to this cycle by the adventuring community. The city's surplus has now run out.

The Mikkelsons must have had a different metal source considering that they did not have access to the city's surplus. It is our office's estimate that he was working on scrap metal from various sources, but this has not been confirmed.

Assistant Nurb Office of the Herald

So I come back from my two-day break to find that my metal supply has run out?! I demand to know what idiot depleted the city's metal immediately! This is outrageous! I can't finish any of my projects.

I demand a solution immediately or I may decide to work my engineering prospects elsewhere!

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

You know what? I promised my wife a coffee machine I was going to make her. Guess what this coffee machine was going to be made out of?


I demand metal!

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

You know what? I don't care anymore. The prison bars at the Watch House are going to break to some stupid orc brute and we won't have the metal to fix that. Then I bet the orc goes around to bash each and everyone one of your faces in. Think about that tonight.

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

Where's my metal?

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

I think I'm going to abstain from voting this next election unless someone can solve the metal crisis. See? All of you have lost a vote.

Take that!

Sincerely, Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

I get paid well for this position, and I want to deserve my pay. How can I deserve my pay if there's no damn metal around for me to work with?

Where's my metal already? I demand an answer!

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

Your lack of response is disappointing, Councilors. I've distinguished myself in the construction and maintenance of many buildings. My most recent project being the School of War.

Maybe we need to open up a school. Just an ordinary one. So we don't have so many dimwits that won't get me the metal I need!

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

I made a blueprint for a new and improved water cooler. Guess what?

You can't have it.


No metal.

That's why.

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

I have accomplished absolutely nothing today!

Though I suppose you fellows know the feeling very well.

Where's my metal?

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

I'm going on lunch break. I want my metal when I'm back, or else I'll quit my job!

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

Esteemed Councilors,

I will now be blocking all messages from the Chief Engineer for your conveniences. When informed, he was rather unhappy.

While he is tempered, he is one of the very few engineers the city has to offer, and our best at that. Please be patient with him.

Assistant Nurb Office of the Herald


The Chief Engineer insisted that this next letter be forwarded to your office.

My apologies, Assistant Nurb Office of the Herald

Okay so in your all mighty wisdom you have blocked my letters. The letters of the CHIEF ENGINEER of Sanctuary?!

Fine. That's just fine. So in my all mighty wisdom I made a furnace to solve the problem of the metal shortage for the Office of Engineering. Stupid adventurers will proceed to throw their metal scrap junk into my furnace and I can finally make that coffee machine for my wife.

See? I'm doing something to make a difference.

I should be a Councilor!

You're lucky I didn't quit my job. All of you are!

Now I'll happily resume my work. Suckers.

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

You know what? I'm running for Council.

I submitted my bid. I'll outrun all of you!

I'll show you!

Sir Gimmins Gimmininy, Chief Engineer Office of Engineering

Chief Engineer Sir Gimmins Gimmininy,

Good luck in the elections. If you don't succeed, know that you will always be able to find employment where you have left. This metal shortage is grating on us all.

Councillor Elaueth

Fellow Councillors,

There has been little progress, but with the election time delayed, we have received a few days more. The furnace Sir Gimmins made will be a temporary relieve, one we must take advantage from.

I have asked a Private ask Harrison of where the Mikkelsons got their supply of metal from, but it could lead to a dead end like most of the things have a habit of doing.

The Seekers will investigate this shop by the Dark lake, if allowed some time.

A curious halfling who seems to run a lot, and wack other citizens with a fish, has said he could ask the halfling at the Blue Mushroom for ore.

Fort Mur is another possibility concerning trade, but the Seekers will possibly not agree to venture there.

The Stoutheart clan is another possibility, but as I have no contact with them I cannot say for sure if they are able to help.

If you hear anyone talking about ore, or someplace where it could be found, please set them to investigate that area for us. Another thing we need to find out is what we have to trade for ore. Any suggestions, fellow councillors?

Councillor Andrik Krown

The main thing that we have to trade for ore would be gold as far as I'm aware. Another possibility for trading for ore is Murtulakt, a duergar city- Though it's far enough away that transportation would likely become a serious problem.


Esteemed Councilor Elaueth,

With the highest respect I would like to remind you that the duergar trading settlement Murtulakt uses slave labor. Importing its wares may be seen as condoning slavery, which will quickly become unpopular in a settlement of ex-slaves.

Official Kleine Office of the Herald

I'm aware of that fact, Official Kleine. It's here as this is a full compilation of every possible source of metal.

I've pondered the ore question for awhile now and I have to say I'm stumped. I find myself agreeing with Thule that the svirfneblin surely chose Dunwarren as a city site due to proximity to large amounts of ore, though. We should fund and finance more prospecting expeditions and work in collaboration with the dwarves.

I would also suggest we make absolutely sure that no ore whatsoever remains in the Grunstubhle cave system. We should also lean resources to the Seekers, as I understand they make regular raids on slaver caravans and sometimes come away with goods and materials we need; in this case ore.

Beyond these measures, I will be conducting raids on drow trading outposts and sending any recovered materials to Sir Gimminy for the construction of a forge.

- Reev

Fellow Councillors and Assistants,

Candidate Pepto has offered to see if he can get the ore for us, by using his trading contacts by the "Blacklake". To do this, he needs to know how much we need as well as how much gold we can give for it.

Councillor Andrik Krown

Very little actual results have been accomplished yet. More we have searching the better. This is why I propose offering reward for finding ore in close proximity of the town.

As a reward we could promise one of the following: - House/flat somewhere at upper (some not used estate at side street, doesn't cost us anything). - Reward in gold, probably has to be around 5000 - 10,000 to really rise interest. This could however be not affordable by current town budget. - Percentage of mine profit.

This way we have most of the people searching for the ore supply, because in my experience people help the most, when they gain from it personally.

Such announcement should be made with haste. Option of reward should be decided before that.

I agree with Councilor Crowshire. We need to be offering our citizens excellent incentives so that they direct all their time and energy into finding what this city needs most. The keys to the old Chapterhouse for the group that discovers an ore mine will provide that incentive, I would say.

What do you think?

- Reev

I'd be in favour of that.


Chapter house is rather large residence, but very well. However the terms must be clear that the discovery of ore is a large one and allows us a lasting solution.

Some fine print is needed to ensure the residence does pay taxes accordingly, stays part of our town and is unable to transfer ownership without city approval. Also we reserve the right to end our lease if the council so decides.

((Bumped for easier viewing from its new home.))