2007-08-06 03:49:35 UTC
Some people can't tell the difference between some races/genders while they are wearing somethings or just because they look similar.
It's happened to me on Shabel (female gnome bard) Numerous times people regard her as a hin.
It's also happened to me on Bethak (Female Half-orc Runecaster) She wears robes so some people think she looks male.
Post screenshots of this happening if you have any. (If this only happens to me, than I make some really tranny characters)
2007-08-06 03:57:11 UTC
DAMN you posted that fast! that was less than 5 minutes ago.
But part of the reason I make gender goof's is that I always use the top down view on max resolution and I never look at the person up close.
I just guess by the armor. And so if you're wearing a helm....I can't see the hair-do to give me a hint.
2007-08-06 03:59:23 UTC
Well, that's what you get for not using the camera right up behind his back so you can see what he sees :P
2007-08-06 04:02:16 UTC
he's a halfling, he shouldn't have to look....her boobs would be resting on his head.
2007-08-06 04:21:09 UTC
Well, it's also in her info, and you like that idea don't you :oops: