2007-08-03 22:16:13 UTC
ExileStrife needs our combined support now more than ever. Wish him the best! Put him in your prayers! Put his name on a water bottle and leave it out overnight! Make him a thousand paper cranes!
To bring back EfU, show your support here! Let your keyboards be heard!
Here's me showing my support.
Dr Dragon
2007-08-03 22:34:03 UTC
GO strife. Btw I might have dissed you Im not talking about you im talking about something else. YOu know what it is dont even ask. But it has nothing to do with your job as dm.
The Ace Of Blades
2007-08-04 02:07:01 UTC
ExileStrife, you are the best! Thanks for hosting one of the best PWs out there, despite the fact that you're a clutz!
2007-08-04 08:18:58 UTC
We've known you were an old man for some time now, Lovethesuit.
2007-08-04 18:05:46 UTC
Dont worry exile for all is as god wills it
2007-08-04 18:35:55 UTC
Does anyone (LTS didn't) know what is the name of that comic, and if it's any good or not worth looking for?
Oh, right, and... Exilestrife, I'm thinking about you every night, just before falling asleep.
2007-08-05 22:15:33 UTC
even more than prayers etc i can offer A SOLUTION!!! it seems the fan has become lost by UPS - yes? if so, all you need is the following: some apples (or other fruit to your own personal tastes), flour, fat, water, a little sugar for dusting and a low level character.
chop and cook the apples (or personally preferred fruit) and mix the other ingredients (not the low level character) into pastry; insert the new fan; give the low level character a few gold and tell them to deliver the pie to exilestrife. voila! server's back up before we can all say 'blood on the bedspread'.
but power to you and all the gms for working for all our enjoyment.
2007-08-07 11:27:36 UTC
Where can I pick this pie up???
2007-08-08 16:00:27 UTC
usually in the seekers isn't it???
2007-08-09 00:15:25 UTC
I am betting that it is a political cartoon, which generally don't form storylines and are one-time-only deals. Notice how the Middle Eastern man appears to be rather generic, but the old man has a very detailed face and the head doesn't match the body- signs that the most important thing was recognition. Also, it's a rediculous looking hero; surely an old man like that would have awesome, scraggly gray hairs, not a well combed head and a well trimmed beard. Unfortunately, I still don't recognize who it is.
2007-08-09 00:30:08 UTC
That was my guess, as well. I think the nipple ring gives it away. :P
2007-08-09 00:35:10 UTC
An the ultra-violence, obviously.
2007-08-09 00:55:15 UTC
Go! my addiction to EfU must be fueled! :P
2007-08-09 01:02:22 UTC
Not made by me, but I thought it was fairly suitable. There can't be enough <3, Strife! It'll happen eventually.
2007-08-09 02:02:41 UTC
Ok, made at 3:00 am last night, so i know the perspective is sloppy. Ill fix sometime later.
2007-08-09 15:59:06 UTC
That was my guess, as well. I think the nipple ring gives it away. :P
Gandhi, sorry to nitpick.
And I rather think that guy is Sigmund Freud. :P
2007-08-09 16:06:53 UTC
I didn't look at this thread until now. Dunno if that's good or bad. That font is the font I'm using for the new logo for the new website, and I had completely forgotten how close it looked to the NwN font.
Thanks though for your support!
2007-08-09 17:18:15 UTC
*Edit* Loving the new banner.