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Volunteers Needed

Posted in Upper and Lower Sanctuary

Greetings neighbors and friends. My name is Kharkres Stark and I am involved in a homeless shelter run by the Ilmateri Church located in Lower Sanctuary. I am seeking a group of volunteers to organize a food drop off on a day to day basis until the shelter is officially opened, and possibly beyond. This is a great way to be involved with strengthening our community. If you are interested then please sign your names below as well as where you can be reached and I will contact you. You may leave post for me in the Crone if you wish. Thank you for your time and consideration, and may Ilmater bless you.

Ivandur Reynolt

Kayragh, Rock Bottom inn

Talath Rayas, Rock Bottom inn.

Dell Lannesen, Rock Bottom Inn


More volunteers are welcome, those that have pledged a hand I am writing you with the dates you are needed.

Kara Jassan, Rock Bottom Inn