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Random Moments

Mort was facing his end bravely, mid monologue when Azam choked him out. Go Azam!

If theres anything I hate more than elves, its dwarves. All instances of dwarf butchery should be celebrated.

I love it when the Spellguard go into Lower in the open. It always ends in the same way. In this picture, you can see Agent Blake throwing a magic missile at a clearly ghostly visaged Wizard Cypher. Magical defenders indeed! Ferious Worn is on hand to ensure no harm comes to his beloved Stew Shop.

In an attempt to make friends, Saiede is informed of the horrible existance of the Mouth of Ubel.

Last but not least, Saiede has a penchant for asking for peoples souls in exchange for goods and services. Here he's trying to convince a halfling to sell his soul for a shield. Lousy half men dont deserve souls anyway.

Neat-o! Love the character, mate.

Great. Seems like bunch of funny moments :)

Azzam is a bum. Stonings for the win. :mrgreen:

Decree of Execution: Death by neck-snapping :(

Sheriff Azpwn ftw

Hahahaha, I started that brawl!

It all culminated in several agents dead, and Cypher preparing to pwn Agent Daheron in prison >_> . The end result was... quite surprising.

The Shadow has a tendency to pee on people. Cyrus explains.

By WinstonMartin at 2007-08-17



WinstonMartin // Cloud Strife.