A letter addressed to "Drin of Arvoreen" is left with Rak at the Last Stand. It reads:
6th Tarsahk, 152
Master Drin,
Firstly, I empathise with the loss of your kin, Winifried, to goblins in the sewers several darks back. I pray that her soul quickly finds its way to peace.
Know that there was a major assault last dark conducted on a group of rancid goblins in the Sewers, in which several goblins were killed, at least four fled, and a dwarf who was among us at the time was killed and stewed by goblins. I went to negotiate with these hungry little blighters; to talk and find out what had become of a friend of mine that was rumoured to have, likewise, been killed and eaten by them. There would likely have been no further battle had they not killed and mutilated the dwarf who went with us to speak with them. Myself and another were blessed enough to escape when they jumped us. A small force went back to retrieve the body of the dwarf; suffice to say, this was accomplished.
Secondly, in line with our brief conversation at the Stand's bar - have you heard any further from Warden Redpath. I believe the man to be deeply immersed in spiritual turmoil at present. Best someone find him and talk to him. If you do find him or hear from him; tell him to seek healing in the New Dunwarren Temple. I can fill you in on the necessary details of the descent into the Hoaran Temple, but I would prefer to do such in person. I do not know why the Warden decided to fulfill his debt without your help, but it is done now. Find him Drin, he is a good man with a strong heart.
Please come by the Society Bunkerhouse and keep me posted on this issue with the Warden. If you can.
May Mystra and Arvoreen guide you, everpresent,
- Ordinant Kepler Szul