Written neatly in draconic;
Those kin that reside here should meet with those of the Kobogan. Leave a time with which you can be waiting here.
//PMs greatly preferred!
Written neatly in draconic;
Those kin that reside here should meet with those of the Kobogan. Leave a time with which you can be waiting here.
//PMs greatly preferred!
A poster is put up this time, again written neatly in draconic;
We live under the cursed realm of human, elf, dwarf, gnome and halfling. We are hunted for sport, butchered to assuage boredom, and treated as little better than slaves. Are you going to continue to stand for this?
We are the children of Kurtulmak, and through him, the mighty dragon Tiamat! We are superior in ALL ways to the warmblooded scum that seek to annihilate us, and yet, we are divided. We live in chaos. We are hunted and killed as individuals, rather than members of a collective, where we might defend each other and exact vengeance.
Even now, goblins; filthy, warmblooded, savage goblins, threaten our very survival. They stir up the warmbloods above us by their raids, and, we suffer for this. The humans do not tend to distinguish between kobolds and goblins when looking to deal with a percieved grievance.
They are making our lives even more unbearable, and are bringing retribution on our heads for their actions. This must be stopped!
This is a call, kin, a call to war. Other tribes have pledged support, and yet I see a disturbing lack of support from those who reside in Chudax's camp. Why is this? Are you afraid to defend yourselves from the scum that seek to kill you?
Leave word with Chudax for Orzeph, of the Kobogan, and I will meet with you. An army is gathering, mighty enough to smash aside what feeble resistance the goblins might gather. If you are worthy of the scales that you bear on your flesh, you will join. If you do not then you have no place in our society, for you are a leech, who do not deserve the protection that this camp offers.
Strength in unity. Death to the Warmbloods.