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Arlen Durshal, Last Stand


I just wanted to make it known to you that your petty lying stint the other day could have cost lives had the kuo-tuans fired upon us or sunk the ferry with any of their fleet vessels.

If you ever jeopardize myself or my men like that again for childish antics, it will not go well for you. Suffice to say, you will not be wielding any wands born of the blessings of Tempus ever again.

- Reev

Councilor Reev,

Lying stint? I'm not sure what you mean! Everything I told the Kuo-toa was true. As for your little threat, it would pique my interest so by all means make the attempt. I really think you should focus on Jhaerun though, I hear he's sending assassins. Oh, and remember what you said to me before, I have a quiet step.

- Arlen