2007-07-16 02:12:57 UTC
I'm starting this thread because I'm curious. What style of character do you like to play? Do you prefer the valiant knight, or the sinister assasin? The devout priest, the rogue, the manipulator? Or perhaps the wild half-orc barbarian? What is your style of play? What kind of characters are the most fun to RP for you?
Since I'm starting this thread, I suppose I should go first. Well, Hard to pin down what I most enjoy, but if I had to pick one thing... The character trying to overcome a dark past, be it a horrible event, or a shady career.
2007-07-16 02:31:35 UTC
I don't have one, but some of the ones I have done and enjoyed are usually following the rarely used cleric gods.
2007-07-16 02:47:50 UTC
An enjoyable style of play for me is the honorable fighter, perhaps my most common character as is. Something that inspires others to do good is generally a path I follow. But once in a blue moon I enjoy playing insane characters, just for the want to be insane myself once in a while. Moral code, honor system and chivalry are something I try my best to do through my characters but I tend to have wide open flaws, whether it be in the character's character itself or in the way he fights. Oh, and there is a craving for hack and slash once in a while, but that's why I tend to stay near the fighting kind of characters. Recently I have discovered the fun of adding a few different depths to my characters due to their past, being of almost any origin as I please. Most current character running is the character known as 'Beast'. Due to his lose of memory when entering the underdark he only remembers the well he entered (or was through into) the underdark with and his only known alias: Beast. Now I think I'll start a journal now, because I dont think this is the place for his full background. Anyways, i hope this thread continues just because I would like to see some of the more complex character builds be explained because it will further your mind! aha aha aha
The Ace Of Blades
2007-07-16 02:53:11 UTC
I don't know, but all of my characters end up being nice or semi-nice-even the evil ones.
But what if my li'l evils are just acting to be good?
You'll never know! Buwahahaha!
On a side note, all of my characters have one or more of these habits;
*Bites thumb*
*Shivers violently*
*Snaps fingers*
*Snaps neck*
*Bites lower lip*
Squall and Rinoa Forever
2007-07-16 03:03:11 UTC
I enjoy playing a sexy ladies' man, who rocks out hard and gives the ladies what they want. After all, isn't that what EfU is really about-escaping from the dreary Underdark into the warm embrace of love? A love that-dare I say it-may some day grow to resemble the awesome love that Squall and Rinoa shared?
2007-07-16 03:17:59 UTC
Arrogant arcanists. If I'm not arrogant and don't have a superiority complex, I have a tad less fun. Being nice will never be as good as being a pompous ass.
2007-07-16 03:28:00 UTC
I prefer the outcast. Which is why I play either Goblin or Kobold. Now they're fun to come up with new concepts for.
2007-07-16 03:37:11 UTC
Nickless makes me laugh, which is why I love beating the carp out of those characters when I get the chance, after all some of my characters have a rage feature. Much love <3.
2007-07-16 03:43:51 UTC
Schemers and plotters. I love'em. Sadly, I rarely ever get past the plotting stage. :(
2007-07-16 04:21:03 UTC
I usually play some form of stupid half orc because I am a master of retardinese and have a very unique form of orc stupid speak that I have never seen on any other server. Another one I like to play is a mouthy kobold who insults people or leads them to believe that another is insulting them causing them to use violence against myself or others. Though the latter is always killed within a day on EFU XD and even every other race I've tried it with. I'm a nice guy IRL I gotta get out the inner Snuggybear(Censoring my own swearwords with fuzzy things) in some way right?
2007-07-16 04:32:03 UTC
I love the schemers and plotters, and normally most if not all of my characters have some flaw that has defined who they are in some way. The flaw might not always be bad, but most of the time it is, and it often drives them to do bad things. I prefer to play evil over good, simply because I believe I have more flexibility. I can still be good as an evil character if I choose (and shift toward good) but it is much harder to be evil with a good character and fall toward evil. (Seeing as how that is not something generally desired for someone good of heart.)
Normally all of my character's have at least average (but more likely above average) intelligence. Although someday in the future I'd like to play a stupid Half-Orc.
2007-07-16 04:44:30 UTC
Good-natured thugs who are just as likely to hurt you as help you. I prefer to dream rather than scheme, though I do plenty of both, and Lower's always been the place to be for most of my characters. There's that raw charge of always being on edge and on guard that you can't get in Upper, or even the Dark. Generally, my characters have problems with just about everybody different from themselves.
2007-07-16 07:09:02 UTC
I can't play any type that isn't good-aligned.........ever. I don't know why, but unless I'm DMing, it just isn't in me to play any other type of alignment for extended periods of time. I do like to try to play semi-intelligent characters as well, ones well-versed in the lore of the Realms.
2007-07-16 07:18:08 UTC
I love and enjoy playing Lawful, Honorable, Chivalric, Good, Heroic and Devout characters such as Paladins and Clerics, especially of the Triad. I could play evil chars that are lawful and honorable too though. >_> I dislike playing barbaric, chaotic and fickle characters most, my characters do as well.
2007-07-16 07:23:34 UTC
Physically disgusting characters that are riddled with tragic flaws. Alignment varies, though I'm sure I'd be accused of drifting towards CE.
2007-07-16 07:25:41 UTC
I tend to play charismatic, Lawful characters almost always sliding towards good. I have attempted a number of Evils, but I failed that, so now I mostly just play LG/LN Clerics, Mages and the odd fighter.
Oh, I also fail at Paladins.
2007-07-16 10:17:16 UTC
I tend to play cute girls.
2007-07-16 10:17:29 UTC
All of my characters seem to have very low WIS scores. So they're often a bit eccentric.
2007-07-16 10:43:31 UTC
I enjoy playing villain cliches, with maniacal laughter, hidden labs, evil mustaches and secret weapons. My greatest hope is that some day, one of my characters will be foiled at the last moment of executing ambitious plans for total world domination.
Of course, I'm perfectly happy to settle down occasionally to bland accountants/mathematicians and humorless Savrans. Mostly, I just like to throw in a bit of variety (but admit to reverting back to old, dead ideas on occasion!)
2007-07-16 10:44:48 UTC
I've found most enjoyment in playing the Chaotic spectrum. I usually play them with high charisma, too.
2007-07-16 11:57:40 UTC
Evil alingment characters.
Squall and Rinoa Forever
2007-07-16 20:56:56 UTC
Those of you who notice your tendency to drift toward cliches-I strongly encourage you to play characters who are down with the cute, lithe, buxom female honeys. You'll find that a little e-romance will open you up to roleplaying possibilities that you never before could have imagined.
2007-07-16 21:17:44 UTC
Definitely Chaotic... usually short.. dwarfs, gnomes, halfling... don't know why?
2007-07-17 05:34:14 UTC
Neutral characters. I can be, NG, True Neutral, or Neutral evil with relatively ease. I don't enjoy chaotic or lawful spectrum's as I do neutral. I find the true neutral characters suit me best...neutral with good or evil tendancies.
2007-07-17 06:25:49 UTC
I tend to lean toward the chaotic end of the scale, although I've made the occasional attempt at a LN and TN character, they never really seem to grow much. Most if not all of my (successful) characters are always plotters and schemers who have a fondness for practical jokes.
I can never -ever- play an evil character, it cramps my style. I can never really play paladins properly either and my only attempt at it failed miserably.
2007-07-18 13:12:21 UTC
I love evil characters, but I'm just generally too nice to play them. I prefer playing neutral characters, and usually don't determine their exact personality until I have tried them out IG. Of course, I have some general pointers to begin with, but the rest, often including background story, I build up as I play. I seldom get deeply involved in plots, preferring to stay in the background and try to get people more immersed in the setting and story.
Some benefits by this are:
1. It's less time-consuming, and thus leaves more room for RL stuff.
2. It satifies my RP needs, since I don't get to play PnP and Live-Roleplaying often these days.
Anyways, just my 2 cents and a "Thank you guys for making this possible" ;)
2007-07-18 14:46:20 UTC
Chaotic Neutral Halflings (CNH3).
They can make any thing any time any where till die.
2007-07-18 16:00:09 UTC
Mostly I tend to like playing your average dwarf, neutral to lawful and drifting towards good or already a foot inside that alignment. Kobolds are another favorite, as it seems they are the only ones I can play evil somewhat successfully.
Charisma is not a stat I am comfortable with, although I tend to have it from 10 to 12.
Talking animal companion/summoned creature/familiar is another thing I like to have, it gives more flavor to your character (especially familiars).
2007-07-18 23:15:10 UTC
I almost always play characters who are loyal and helpful types. I have a very busy life and I am not able to play at the frequency and extended lengths of time many others are, so I can't (much as I would love to) get involved in all the intrigue and faction-based episodes that are really the staple of EFU.
Thus, I try as much as I can to play useful sidekicks to those who are immersed in the latest schemes and skullduggery.
And I do tend to play cute girls. 'Cause I am one...honest. :P
2007-07-19 04:04:37 UTC
Evil > Good
Because I'm pretty sure an amputee could run circles around me in pvp, I stick with sneaky plotters who manipulate things behind the scenes and trick other people into doing the killing. The only thing that all of my characters had in common is that they were vile people who usually had fairly human motivations and concerns. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure just about all of my characters have been based off of characters from Elizbethan theater. >.>
Most of them also end up working as minions for Meldread.
2007-07-20 21:39:35 UTC
All my characters have a couple things in common. First they usually have a loyalty to one particular faction/area of sanctuary/underdark and that is usually where they are found during there off time. Mostly because I like having a home base and a place where my characters are known.
Second they almost always have strong alliegances to a deity. Mostly because I enjoy the aspect deities add to the world. They usually are very friendly (even the evil ones) to most people. Lastly yes mine almost always have some goal/scheme/plot they are trying to achieve, even the good ones. They are also all human....so far.