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Reinforce the Roleplay, Please!

For the past week, I've noticed a great number of people using lowercase and little to no punctuation. That's okay-breaks immersion, but whatever.

But what happened to me today was horrid. I paired up with three adventurers-two were great players who roleplayed well, but the other did what a person straight out of WoW would do.

-Powergaming -Attacked without Teams' Knowledge -Took loot without knowledge, not mentioning they got it... The fact they WORE the Armour they took. -And worst of all used these terms. -woot -lets kill dem -thnks -lets do another qwest -And much more MMOLingo.

I'm just asking if the DMs will reinforce Roleplaying, and award more often for QUALITY roleplaying which is: -Roleplaying Stats (BIG one here!) -Walking -Being 'scared' or 'blind'. -Roleplaying your character's 'type'

That's all I can think of for now, but don't blame me! I'm a novice right now! =)

Thanks for your time, The Ace Of Blades


You get wownoobs from time to time. You just have to deal.

We always enforce roleplaying and those who do it well get rewarded well!

If you have a complaint against another player, you're free to ask one of us about it.

That being said, our omniscience is somewhat paradoxically limited.

We cannot be everywhere at once.

The person you interacted with was probably a new player. It's likely more helpful for all involved if you tolerate them and work with them to help them adjust to a roleplaying server, rather than ask the DMs to come down hard on them.

Okay then. Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to help the player, and if they're playstyle doesn't change in two or three weeks or so, I'll contact a DM.

Again, thanks! The Ace Of Blades

The Ace Of Blades For the past week, I've noticed a great number of people using lowercase and little to no punctuation. That's okay-breaks immersion, but whatever.

The Ace Of Blades

Apart from agreeing with kotenku, who said 'stop telling us how to roleplay our characters', I really want to ask how lower case and punctuation or lack thereof breaks immersion??? Think about it... can you really make a logical argument for this? Should I have a go at players who spell badly? Might it be IC bad spelling? Oh dear - there go the worms from this particular can!

I think it's a courtesy if players make an effort to use proper grammar and spelling. I have more respect for those that do this. That said, it should never be enforced. Some players from non-English speaking backgrounds have a tough enough time as it is (Especially Snoteye, that guy has very poor spelling, I often have to correct him quite a lot) and we should not alienate them or risk loosing a very valuable element of EfU's community.

Snoteye's current main character is called Adelia Tyrell. That's one of EfU's greatest secrets revealed to the larger crowd. More importantly however is that he once sent me an IC whisper "<3".

When people talk 'leet' IG, it's probably because they aren't (fully) aware that this is a RP server and pretty extreme at that. Try to point it out through a simple tell in a polite manner. If, due to whatever reason, they don't fully understand you; just seek them out for an IC dialogue.

Those who talk the WoW-talk persistently and make it clear they aren't about to change it "because they put their hands up in the air, and just don't care" aren't the ones who have a past of sticking around EfU too long, so I doubt there's any real need to make separate topics about each of them. Instead it's better to just contact a DM/Team to deal with it in an appropriate manner if it's something you, as a player of the community, feel is something out of reach for you.

I am the subject of many a trolling. :(

as for poor grammar breaking immersion i dont really agree with that but it certainly can make communication very difficult little is harder to understand than a run-on sentence


i type in all lower case and i don't really care what you think about that ace, i'm sure your rp isn't "OMG THE BEST EVER ON EFU, WOW OMGZ" so stop pointing out people's flaws and focus on yourself, that is why we have DMs

I think it may have something to do with people converting the in-game logs into stories or diary entries right after and don't feel like doing a lot of editting (at least that is -my- only gripe with it), but even if that may be so, I still find this luckily rarely used "Quotation marks talk" way more immersion breaking. So there, it's all coming down to personal taste as well. As long as I'm able to decipher what the other party is saying, it's okay, really.

putrid_plum i type in all lower case and i don't really care what you think about that ace, i'm sure your rp isn't "OMG THE BEST EVER ON EFU, WOW OMGZ" so stop pointing out people's flaws and focus on yourself, that is why we have DMs

Oi, please people. I'm not saying I'm the best, and if you read my post you'd read;

"That's all I can think of for now, but don't blame me! I'm a novice right now!"

And I don't hate players that don't use proper grammar or think they're horrible-I can admit I do respect others who take the time to use better grammar, as Nickless said.

Lastly, this thread wasn't only about grammar. If you'd read my whole entire post instead of the grammar and punctuation part, you'd see the stuff the likely new player did.

Sorry for the Confusion, The Ace Of Blades

I'll admit I like playing with people who capitalize and attempt at using punctuation better. =P As for spelling mine is not the best I don't expect yours to be either its just that capitalizing is easy to do and leads to good habits outside of the game too. Which is why whenever I've been asked for RPing tips I'd add that in "Capitalize letters and use punctuation. Oh and emotes lots of them!" Hehe that is pretty much my advice -every- time. Why? Dms on my old server specifily made posts about how that is a + in their books.

In the end I think it most important to bring the new folks along with you, and involve them in your experiences. Continue your roleplay at a high standard, and the new players will see how EfU truly can be.

Welcomming the player with tells to the server, offering to help them if they have any RP or setting questions, and always letting them know where to find the website and forums is not only polite but allows them a chance to read and grow as well.

DMs are few and far between sometimes, especially with the many requests we get in game. It's the community that matters most here, and it's the body of players that really sets the tone of the community.

Embrace the new players please, they can learn and grow. I could name a few specific examples of people that came in just like your example and are now experienced RPrs that do amazing IG things. Besides, it's like your civic duty or something.

If they just don't seem to get it (we have a few that just still are running around in min/max half orcs all the time for the past year), then just endure it or don't party with them and if it's rules breaking then let us know and we'll take care of it.

I agree with the dm on this one. The key is that role-play is an interesting enough experience to bring them along. Yes usually you can send them tells on how to role-play and that is enough. For some though you must show them what it means. Most players who just run around doing loot speak and kill things will quickly realize that EFU is very much about the act of adventuring with a group and the experience that follows. That said some people will always break immersion it’s just that way.

On a side note of outside speak. I have noticed a disturbing trend of using party chat to chat about general things, how your day was, what’s on tv, etc. While I don’t mind ooc chat I would advise people to use tells as party chat should not be used quite so frequently.

When it gets down to it efU is a very popular server. Basically one of the NWN mainstream. So as a result we obviously get the run off from people that are too cheap to buy WoW but still want to pwn gnolls and get phat lewtxxors.

They can be fixed with time, but yes I can if nothing else sympathise with you, it can be a little depressing when some player can't quite understand why he can't use smilies and lol.

And let me add this-- If you see someone doing an outstanding job of roleplaying, whip off a tell complimenting them. If it's someone in the party, use the party chat option. This has the benefit of giving a sense of fulfillment to those that really try, while highlighting it to those in the party that are new or otherwise unaware of what constitutes good roleplay.

And if someone is truly outstanding by all means mention it to a DM.

A little <3 goes a long way.

If you see someone doing an outstanding job of roleplaying, whip off a tell complimenting them.

I have to say, this is the best things that a player can do. There's nothing better than recieving a tell from another player saying how good your roleplay was, and how enjoyable interaction you had was. Sometimes, its better than getting such a tell from a DM.

Neglection of spelling, grammar and punctuation breaks my suspension of disbelief and immersion. And also annoys me greatly. I only tolerate it if the player is a great roleplayer regardless. I know that spelling != good RP, but hey, it's easier on the eyes.

And if your English is bad, why are you playing a heavily text-based game in the first place?

Honestly most people play NWN because it is a older game. The game still runs on most older computers. That is why most people play it. People do not play it because they are grammar maniacs. I understand your point but I doubt text has much to do with anyone's roleplaying decisions usually.

That note aside, I think roleplaying is about group play and interaction mostly.

These changes don't come about artificially. Model the changes you want to see in other players and if you're awesome enough they'll probably happen. I can remember awhile ago on CoA (EfU's sister server, I guess) people would never use brackets for emotes. We would always go *shazzam*. Then this savage named Howland started tearing the place up while emoting with brackets, and it became the cool thing to do!

I forgot what my point was.