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== The Five Chief Virtues of Bane: Strength ==

The sermon is given at the Town Hall by a diminuitive woman, clad in red armor. She is surrounded by numerous men clad identically to herself, their weapons at rest. Though before her first words, the number gathered are small, it slowly increases after she begins.

The Five Chief Virtues

I am Sister Hikaru Ayumi, Priestess of Our Lord Bane, Almighty. I stand before you this dark to deliver the Holy Word of Our Lord unto you, that you may know what the coming times shall bring, and be prepared.

To most of you, the mere utterance of the name of The Black Hand incites Fear, even as you would label your emotions as something more complimentary such as loathing or defiance. But I ask you, do you even know what you defy?

Most of you are utterly ignorant to the Holy Word of Our Lord, and for the most inane of you, you do not lament your heedless ways. However it is the destiny of such men to be cursed with listlessness and weakness, for without the favor of the Great Tyrant, true Power can never be attained.

Faith and Service to the Black Lord instill within a man respect, influence, and authority. It demands that he be honorable and mighty. It demands that he become a part of something greater and more potent than he could ever be alone.

There are five chief virtues that every man who heeds the Word of Our Lord Bane, Almighty, shall relentlessly aspire to embrace. They are Strength, Discipline, Loyalty, Unity, and Fear. This dark I shall share with you the virtue of Strength.

There are many forms of strength. There is strength of body, strength of will, and strength of purpose. All of these are within the purview of Our Lord, and he demands that all men aspire to attain them.

Strength of Body

The easiest to see and know is strength of body. Tireless hours of training, exercise, sparring, and combat have turned the men who stand my side into images of physical perfection. They are lethal and mighty instruments of His Will, and they are prepared to go to any length to seek out and crush any enemy, within or without, that threaten the safety of the home that guards us.

Many of you, even among the heathens, aspire for this type of strength. I have seen countless armsmen and mercenaries among you who embody a small part of the physical might that Our Lord demands. And I tell you today that you already unknowingly aspire to be one with Him, and so it is pointless to defy His Will, as your might shall only increase once you set aside your discord and join with Him.

One need only look upon them to know it for truth, and that is the virtue inherent in strength of body. Those who would oppose your righteous cause will be given pause by the apparent and imposing presence that you have gained in your dedication to Our Lord's strength.

Strength of Will

The second virtue of strength is strength of will. Those who are wise enough to Heed the Will of the Black Lord shall build up their minds like a fortress, daunting and impervious to assault. They shall arm their minds with knowledge, as a castle wall is armed with soldiers and weaponry.

A mind filled with knowledge is a powerful mind, capable of understanding the world and the enemies within it. It is capable of knowing Truth from treasonous blasphemy. Such a mind can resist deception and is capable of understanding the strategies required to best the foes of Our People.

No amount of physical might is of any value, if your mind can be easily bested, or decieved and swayed away from the Will of Our Lord and the Defense of Our People, for your actions shall be bent to chaos and disunity, and they shall bring nothing but weakness to all.

Strength of Purpose

The final strength is strength of purpose. Without the Guidance of Our Lord Bane, Almighty, it is the doom of man to be engrossed in his own selfish quests for self-gratification, rather than to embrace a single cause as a people and truly prosper. In the end, however, there is nothing to be gained in such pursuits, as without purpose, a man's works amount to nothing at the end of his days, and his works evaporate and leave no hint of worth or meaning.

In Service to the Black Hand, every man has a purpose and a worth to Our Lord and to Our People. Every man has a chance to learn to master his craft and to direct that craft to it's most efficient and useful end. Every man has a chance to be victorious and prosperous, to receive recognition and reward, and to be granted power as he does his part to bring all men closer to Unity and Strength.

This is the strength that is most direly lacking among you. One need only open his eyes and look around to see the laziness and complacence of the people in our city. Lack of direction breeds apathy and impotence, and suffocates the desire of men to aspire for more.

I declare it to you, Sanctuarians, that only in embracing His Will, and His Word, will you fully understand these strengths, and be able to command them. Listen not to those who would lead you down the path of dissent, confusion, and meaningless defiance.

Many of you already unknowingly strive to attain these strengths. Join with Him, and with Us, and the Virtue of His Strength shall be a part of you, and you shall be among those who save Our People from destruction at the hands of our Legion enemies and the weaknesses of the Heretical.