2007-07-10 01:12:20 UTC
A small slip of paper has been posted on the ground in Goblin Town, just below Gobbler's Stew pot. A few drops of food obscure some of the writing, but most of it is legible.
Know good recipe? Write down here!
Gnome-eye Stew
-Dice portions of rat meat into pot.
-Skin 1 arm of gnome (fresh!) and drop flesh into pot. For best results, burn skin first. Traps juices inside meat. Save rest of bone for toothpicks.
-Stir pot counterclockwise. No gnome meat should be seen.
-Add 2 gnome eyeballs into stew. Must be good condition!
-Let simmer, then pour into bowl. If got no bowl, use helmet!
-Serves 3.
((//Anyone can post here, but it would be best if you've actually eaten your recipe IG.))
2007-07-10 18:29:42 UTC
The ever classic Elf's Brain! A delightful snack for when you're in a peckish mood. Eaten raw can never go wrong, but with a bit of firelichen this will be sure to lift up your spirits. Additionally, add the brainfluids to boiling water and add some duringo blossom to it. Let it cook in for half an hour after boiling tempurature was archieved, and throw in small chunks of sporebread and roast rat. Let it soak in until it becomes as firm as porridge. Spoon it up and eat it!
2007-07-11 16:05:51 UTC
Tasty human soap. Take nice leg from any human and cut it to small peices! Then take some water and other tasty things, like mushrooms and leeches. Put everything in bowl and add good sewer-water. Cook for long time! Eat and enjoy!
2007-07-12 17:44:00 UTC
Rat & Rothe Stew, garnished with heart of Chosen
-Begin with grey mushroom soup, found anywhere in Dark. Must be hot.
-Tenderize chunks of rat meat. Is important! Must be tender before adding to pot.
-Stir well for some time. Not lot of time, but some time.
-Add in meat of rothe, diced.
-Cut 1 heart of Chosen, freshly gutted, into very fine pieces. Add as garnish for soup.
-Pour into bowls and enjoy!
(Dwarf Ale optional.)
The Ace Of Blades
2007-07-12 20:14:46 UTC
[This section is covered in drool and a green substance]
Kobotorok Ailing Soup
Kobold Toes Spiced with Rock Pieces in delicious Alcohol
Have you ever had the hankering for Kobold, but didn't want to eat it's ugly little, scaly head? Well, you've come to the right questionable recipe! Here's the ingredients.
Kobold Toes
5x-Serves One.
15x-Serves Three.
30x-Serves Six.
Any amount, but Upper's Rocks taste much better! The more the rock, the saltier and dirtier it tastes! Mm-mm!
x5 Medium Rocks is best.
Any Beer
Victory Bitter Beer is Good!
x1 Bottle each serving.
-Smash up rocks into extremley small pieces!
-Pour beer into a small pot or big, depending on serving sizes.
-Rip up the tiny Kobold Toes into ten pieces each. After it's done, throw the toes in the beer-soup.
-After a while, sprikle the rocks in the beer.
-Heat the Ailing Soup. Wizzards are good with magical fire, so use one of them if you can.
-If the Wizzard's spells are exhausted after that, chop hims up and add him to the stew!