1. Depending on the mechanics it should be possible for anyone to walk into any building or do any quest and not be looked at for levels as ic one couldnt determine ones level ; this is probably in place to stop powergaming but im sure there is mostly vets here roleplay wise so i foward that motion to the community.
2. Im not sure how strict the requirements are around here but ive noticed high lvls throwing their weight around ic like its going out of fashion ; ive seen pvp occur over silly instances which are not even close to roleplay and which belong on power gaming servers
(a) pc wont take off their helmet for the mycopolis thugs and runs off = pvp and a wallop by the big bad barbarian peddling uber gear so im told ; not to mention the 5 lvls difference.
(b) I had a so called Paladin walk by one of my characters ignoring a hide check and just walloped him ... excuse was could see him ... ive had that happen twice ...the barbarian thing and the (paladin of tyr) thing ...one minute its autorolls next minute lets play dice. (a medium need be set)
3. I can understand some of what goes on as i see a lot of inactivity and non productivity within certain areas ; it can be frustrating loosing a lot of gold ,items , and whatever else have you . And the Perma thing is an extra added blow which can add to ones stresses ; i mean lets face it no ones super human and the odd person is going to act out their feelings.
4. Only so much can be achieved with the mechanisms in place ; oh ive seen good roleplay and theres no doubting the ability of most on this server . But unfortunetly there are a few grey areas that need be worked on i can only comment upon what ive seen ; all i can say is there are players out there who are 30 plus and should know better ; if its action they seek hire a movie leave the roleplaying to us.
Emphasis on "grey areas" dam good server dont get me wrong.