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Speaking My Mind

1. Depending on the mechanics it should be possible for anyone to walk into any building or do any quest and not be looked at for levels as ic one couldnt determine ones level ; this is probably in place to stop powergaming but im sure there is mostly vets here roleplay wise so i foward that motion to the community.

2. Im not sure how strict the requirements are around here but ive noticed high lvls throwing their weight around ic like its going out of fashion ; ive seen pvp occur over silly instances which are not even close to roleplay and which belong on power gaming servers


(a) pc wont take off their helmet for the mycopolis thugs and runs off = pvp and a wallop by the big bad barbarian peddling uber gear so im told ; not to mention the 5 lvls difference.

(b) I had a so called Paladin walk by one of my characters ignoring a hide check and just walloped him ... excuse was could see him ... ive had that happen twice ...the barbarian thing and the (paladin of tyr) thing ...one minute its autorolls next minute lets play dice. (a medium need be set)

3. I can understand some of what goes on as i see a lot of inactivity and non productivity within certain areas ; it can be frustrating loosing a lot of gold ,items , and whatever else have you . And the Perma thing is an extra added blow which can add to ones stresses ; i mean lets face it no ones super human and the odd person is going to act out their feelings.

4. Only so much can be achieved with the mechanisms in place ; oh ive seen good roleplay and theres no doubting the ability of most on this server . But unfortunetly there are a few grey areas that need be worked on i can only comment upon what ive seen ; all i can say is there are players out there who are 30 plus and should know better ; if its action they seek hire a movie leave the roleplaying to us.

Emphasis on "grey areas" dam good server dont get me wrong.

Greymalkin (a) pc wont take off their helmet for the mycopolis thugs and runs off = pvp and a wallop by the big bad barbarian peddling uber gear so im told ; not to mention the 5 lvls difference.
Some of the Mycopolans have a very good reason for this sort of behavior, it's entirely IC.

Greymalkin (b) I had a so called Paladin walk by one of my characters ignoring a hide check and just walloped him ... excuse was could see him ... ive had that happen twice ...the barbarian thing and the (paladin of tyr) thing ...one minute its autorolls next minute lets play dice. (a medium need be set)
Maybe he could actually see you?

Greymalkin 3. I can understand some of what goes on as i see a lot of inactivity and non productivity within certain areas ; it can be frustrating loosing a lot of gold ,items , and whatever else have you . And the Perma thing is an extra added blow which can add to ones stresses ; i mean lets face it no ones super human and the odd person is going to act out their feelings.
People should not default to running around on FD in favour of subdual, but that's not what I've seen in the past few weeks either. I have seen a number of instances where the outcome was the death of one or more characters, but they were all justified.

Greymalkin 4. Only so much can be achieved with the mechanisms in place ; oh ive seen good roleplay and theres no doubting the ability of most on this server . But unfortunetly there are a few grey areas that need be worked on i can only comment upon what ive seen ; all i can say is there are players out there who are 30 plus and should know better ; if its action they seek hire a movie leave the roleplaying to us.
If you have a personal complaint about one or more specific episodes you should contact the DMs, either through a PM with whatever DM was present during the event or by e-mail.

Greymalkin, I think you are misunderstanding the role of PvP on EfU and what is appropriate. I will go over each of your instances and explain as best I can.

(a) pc wont take off their helmet for the mycopolis thugs and runs off = pvp and a wallop by the big bad barbarian peddling uber gear so im told ; not to mention the 5 lvls difference.

There is a big difference between griefing, and this. This is not griefing, and is a mycopolan barb playing his character and responsabilities out fully. The other character was given the option to remove his helmet...it's on him to remove it or suffer the conseqences. There is no rule that says a fight has to be fair. There is no rule that states you must abstain from PvP with lower level characters if they are suffering IG and IC repurcussions for their actions--which is what happened here. From your example, I find this quality PvP.

(b) I had a so called Paladin walk by one of my characters ignoring a hide check and just walloped him ... excuse was could see him ... ive had that happen twice ...the barbarian thing and the (paladin of tyr) thing ...one minute its autorolls next minute lets play dice. (a medium need be set)

Hide/MS are auto rolled each round. If he saw you on his screen, then he saw you and was able to give you a whallop. You can not force action by emoting "hides" and then "rolling" and demanding a spot check by the other player. These are all hard coded rolls each round you actaully are in stealth. It takes into consideration line of sight, lighting, etc automatically. Therefore, if you weren't in stealth mode, you were not hiding.

The hard rule about rolling die rolls between characters is this: A DM may require you to roll in specific instances, and the rolls there stand. Usually these are special circumstances with social based skills. Neither you or any other player can make you adhere to a visible roll that has been made without having had a DM present to initiate and request that a player roll. Again, this PvP from your description sounds fine to me, and completely within the bounds of our PvP guidlines. I invite you to review the forums and the rules completely.

3. If you are PvPd and FD killed by another player character, you are perma'd unless brought back via raise dead or other spell. No respawning. That is the rule. It is there to prevent jumping back in game and OOCly gathering your buds to put a smack down on the guy that just killed you. This is a long standing rule, and one that will not change.

4. Really, you give no examples of any grey areas, so I can not discuss this further. I do know that if you read the rules fully, there shouldn't be any grey areas. If you are confused over an issue, or have an IG complaint, please ask a DM IG on the DM channel for help with your issue or find us on IRC. You can also email us. If you are attempting to contact us in game, just do a one liner like the one below:

"Hey, it's Greymalkin (character name here), just had an issue getting FDd and thought it unfair. Needed to discuss if available."

Hope this helps to address any confusion you may have had.

edited to add: Sorry, the above was me while not logged in. --The Beggar, EfU DM

(Beggar beat me to it!)

I'm always glad to hear somebody speak(write?) their mind.

1. Depending on the mechanics it should be possible for anyone to walk into any building or do any quest and not be looked at for levels as ic one couldnt determine ones level ; this is probably in place to stop powergaming but im sure there is mostly vets here roleplay wise so i foward that motion to the community.

You're right, it's to help prevent unnecessary powergaming and maintain a balance. Imagine a level 9 doing Cooky's Quest for the daily 50GP. Perhaps we could drop the concept of minimum level requirements from quests altogether, but then I would be concerned that a level 2 would be able to participate in a very high-level quest and obtain massive experience, levels and items for such a start.

2. Im not sure how strict the requirements are around here but ive noticed high lvls throwing their weight around ic like its going out of fashion ; ive seen pvp occur over silly instances which are not even close to roleplay and which belong on power gaming servers

With luck whoever you've PVP'd with is a reasonable sort OOCly. You're free to ask them, and they shouldn't be moronic about it. Sometimes these odd instances are simply IC actions. Further down your post you mention getting whacked for wearing a helmet. Perhaps those of Mycopolis have had a problem with such? I recall a time when helmed elves were almost attacked on sight, due to a fear of drow hiding among the population.

Of course, if a higher level PVP's a significantly lower level, I would not expect it to be an FD kill, or even be looted to a significant extent. If you think things were unfair/unreasonable, you're free to talk to one of us and we'll check it out.

3. I can understand some of what goes on as i see a lot of inactivity and non productivity within certain areas ; it can be frustrating loosing a lot of gold ,items , and whatever else have you . And the Perma thing is an extra added blow which can add to ones stresses ; i mean lets face it no ones super human and the odd person is going to act out their feelings.

I'm not entirely sure what you're presenting here, but...

Every character is a story, and every story must come to an end. We've always encouraged that people embrace a death for their character that's beyond the lag of a scripted quest. Usually a permakill is to maintain the integrity of the death.

if its action they seek hire a movie leave the roleplaying to us.

As well as being a heavy roleplay server, EFU is also a heavy PVP place. With gang warfare, extreme faction conflict and a variety of cultures, it sort of makes sense! If you dislike the PVP aspect, I'd recommend trying to avoid angering the wrong people, especially in areas such as Lower where violence is common. Personally I always encourage PVP rivalries, and they don't even need to end in an FD. The guy that thought he was bullying a random Joe could turn into a serious rivalry!

While it can be frustrating, especially if you believe things went unfair from an OOC standpoint, you're free to reasonably discuss it with your killer, but remember to keep things civil! If nothing else, we're here to help.

I'm always glad to hear somebody speak(write?) their mind.

We think Sternhund is a girl. There. I finally said it, and I feel better already.

Interesting feedback well it seems most of my points have been answered i guess the only other thing if forgot to mention was an example of how lvl restrictions got in the way of roleplay ; for instance the other day when i was trying to get cult bandwagon off the ground but couldnt go investigating a certain area because a lvl 8 character was with my lvl 6 guy.

But yeah i know how bigger deal it is changing around stuff so im just ganna take whats been said to me and just work around the mech issues ; i need say nothing else as my points have been illustrated.

Thanks to all for the feedback dm's , and players.