I have noticed that on EFU most people are extreamly good at taking the death and going on to another guy without a problem. But just this week I was involved in....we'll call it an attack on an entire place to keep from bringing and form of blackening to this persons name. Alright so this person attacked aentire faction A which then brought entire faction B into the mix....the person ran about attacking members of faction A as their guys attacked the person. The person then ran off for a small bit and came back to an entire populous of pissed off people wanting to kill him. We then proceeded to fight for a long time as the person did a very good job of running and potion quaffing and such unjtil finally he was subdued and one person was in full death mode. Now after person died I got spammed with tells saying that s/he was greifed and such even though the person was fully involved in pvping an entire city basicly in which case it would be easy to figure out that s/he was the enemy and all the factions of said city would attack him. But I try to use logic on the person...s/he would have none of it. So for the next half hour I am getting inflaming tells saying that me killing the person was OOC. Now I do not like killing people randomly...and when I don't have to I dont but if I kill you it is IC not ooc and I do not expect to be insulted like this for fighting this person who assaulted my town with my fellow citizens. After I had used better logic the person decided it was time to insult another person because s/he was obviously not winning with me. This also went on for about an hour as the person was so angry about this incident I then decided to take it upon myself to tell this person that if s/he did not have anything nice to say that the person should not say anything at all and the person finally logged.
Now I'm aware that these incidents don't often happen but I am not going to take being insulted for things I do IC, OOC....anyone with me?