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Memorial to Sir Tyrus Creed

*posted in the Church of Tyr, the Hold, Town Hall, and the Last Stand*

Memorial of Sir Tyrus Creed

Good folk near and far,

We will be having a memorial service to honor the memory of a Knight of Torm known as Tyrus Creed.

He was a steadfast warrior for New Dunwarren, the Church of Tyr, and the Faith of Torm the True. We will be gathering to remember him, and perhaps to share a tale or experience that exemplifies the type of man he was.

The service will be held at the Church of Tyr in New Dunwarren, and those who are rejected by the gates may enter only by the express permission of Warden Redpath or a duly appointed guard. All others are welcome.

Those who wish to create hostility at this blessed gathering are subject to Tyrran Law.

// Tuesday, 12 noon EST - 4 pm GMT //