Deep gnomes,
My name is Hosfyrd Reev, one of the leaders of this city. I hope to leave it behind soon enough though, and am willing to use my position and influence here to help you find what you seek, should you return the favour with knowledge of how I might reach the sunlit lands.
So you are aware, I command the greatest soldiers of this city, and have many stalwart allies besides. We are well supplied, and have no fear of any organization, including the Spellguard, in this city. As I mentioned, I would be willing to channel all I have into your effort, and should a group here come into possession of that which you seek, I will find out, and I will get it.
Consider this, and I shall come to speak to you very soon to hear your answer. I am your best hope, and, should you be privy to the information I seek, you are mine.
- Reev