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Its my birthday!

Today I turned 15 and I will be going Ig prety soon!

Also since im 15 Im considered an adult by DandD Standarsds so I can make myself a character YAY!

Happy B-Day

Congratulations, Love Doctor!

One step closer to opening your own Marriage Counseling Service!

Happy birthday lil guy.

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! :lol:

Rock Out, Doctor!

I want cake.

Happy, happy birthday Dr D! 8)

Dr. Dragon-the mystery, the enigma, now, fifteen years of age. Only one more year until you can take to the roads on your own and truly begin your conquest of the ladies of the world, Dr. Dragon. Until then, there are lots of dragons that need some help!

Have a terrific birthday, and rock on!

Actually another half of year I can get a learners permit meaning I can hit the road with a person over 18 in the car.!

Also I had a kickass birthday present my pareants did a little research and discovered I was so intrested in the underdark so much they got me the Forgotten realms book called the Underdark and


Happy birthday buddy.


So we can see a drow application in the near future then? :wink:

Ok I apped for a bugbear! Drow is for later!

as for drow in the future ya eventually.

Happy Birthday, Doctor D.