Private Sunellar,
Since you will refuse my letters, I thought that this would be the best way of getting my message through to you.
I tried to be civil with you as you asked, even sent you cookies however it seems that you have taken a personal grievence and made into an issue that had nothing to do with anyone else but you and me. This clearly demonstrates that you are insecure, probably have small genitals and have no honour. The fact that even the death of one of my comrades seemed to insense you Susan, driving you to persecute my clan in this petty and vindictive vendetta with dire threats of eviction. You have demonstrated that you are a small minded, thuggish individual whos sense of purpose and power is less than what you think.
May I remind you that you are just a private. That’s right Shelia, the lowest rank in the watch. Don’t over reach yourself Sharon or try to go beyond the level of your incompetence which you have obviously reached as you’ll fail. I’ve been here longer than you can imagine Shania and I’ve seen puffed up strutting peacocks like yourself fall by the dozen and you are nothing special either. So it will be with great glee Sabrina that I will look forward to hearing of your inevitable death. I do hope I can visit your grave site as I will be pissing on it. You will be no great loss and your death will not cause so much as a ripple here in this town.
Also Safron, I seriously doubt that you will be able to find a group who will take over Barak-Tor or be able to handle the daily grind of fighting the chosen and the undead eyes. In addition, who will actually want to sign onto such a lease anyway Sally? Face it Samantha, you are stuck with us as we are stuck with you. Oh by the way Sandra, will your commanding officer appreciate that you have single handedly managed to alienate the loyal and regular rent paying tenants with your high and mighty arrogance? I suggest you suck it up and appologise for having no sense of humour, surely a criminal offensive if there ever was one.
Saskia, if you weren’t such a gormless fool with a stick rammed so far up your arse that it tickles your tonsils when you sneeze , I’d challenge you to a duel but you are not worth the effort of working up a mild sweat. I bet you’d even hide behind your status as a watchman as well and refuse me the satisfaction of kicking your shiney arrogant arse. Yet I pity and care for the handicapped and thus I excuse you from your beating which you deserve Sepherina for being an insufferable git. You are one of the deluded, someone possesing a sense of self imporatnce and over inflated egos who wrongly thinks that the world revolved around himself and that they are able to influence events greater than themselves. I’ve got a heads up for you Sade, you don’t really matter, not at all.