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Good times at Tornbeard Hall

Snow White showed up shortly after these were taken and the party really got started.

I have a game... Name the seven dwarves around that table. Best responce gets a free ale from your friendly neighborhood dwarven healer

Fatty, Ugly, Fatty, Shorty, Fatty, Fatty, Smelly.


which one am I?

Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth

Fallen Angel which one am I?

Fat? no

Ugly? well...maybe :wink:

Short? Yes

And the names are really:

Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Prudence :P

No its more like ugly, fat, sorry, excuses, for, gnome, subrace

colinpoh Fatty, Ugly, Fatty, Shorty, Fatty, Fatty, Smelly.


Colinpoh ftw! +rep

Kalin, Foli, Dorin, Porki, Gimball, ...., and Helios.

I see all.

Edit: Scratch that, I only got 6 of 7. One of them isn't ugly enough to be Megari. I think the other guy's name starts with a T, but I can't remember.

Wulgar... but good try :)

okay I see Obnoxious, Loud mouth, Smelly, Grumpy, Stupid, Impatient, and Gimball. (My char is friends with Gimball so I can't say anthing mean about him. Everyone else is fair game :D )