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Donovan Chekhov

I haven't had a purely Lower PC who spent the vast majority of his time down there and tried to bend and twist it to his will. Needless to say, it was a lot of fun, and even though Donovan died before he was able to play the gangs off against one another so they'd wipe each other out (allowing him to pick up the pieces and take control of crime in Lower), I hope he was able to make some sort of mark. Donovan was my first shot at a bard, and I think it went reasonably well, despite his being a shoddy fighter and, in keeping with his build, not really having much in the way of common sense or street smarts.

Before the pictures, I need to do the mandatory paragraph on his history. Donovan was raised in a relatively straightlaced home in which the teachings of Helm were the last word. He hoped for years to join the priesthood of Helm but, when passed over for a prestigious crusade, he grew increasingly frustrated and bitter. It wasn't too difficult for a 'friend' and priest of a malevolent deity to exploit his dissapointment and, with some careful manipulation, convert him to...


He was an actor and playwrite on the surface, and its unforunate that he died before I got a chance to put on a play in the Crone. Now, the pictures:

This is Donovan on his first day on the server. Even at level two, he was roughing up old women in Lower for beer money. Here he is talking to the person who hired him to rough a woman up to send a message to her husband. This is where Don got that duergar helm he was always sporting.

Team Crone. There is nothing but <3 for all of you. :wink:

This was part of a really fun incident that came out of nowhere. A gnomish priest of Cyric (and his orcish lackey) started robbing Crone employees around Lower. After tracking them down, Donovan and Team Crone dragged them to the circular stage (near the staircase) and publically beat them as a warning to anyone who would try to start problems in the Crone. We took a hand from each of them, and dragged the gnome to the tunnels beneath Lower to execute him. Much to our surprise, a pair of flying jawless skulls appeared and started throwing high level spells everywhere, nearly killing Donovan and company. Much H8 for Cyric.

Little known fact: it was that orc's hand that Donovan always used as a paperweight.

Donovan was also a drug addict. He was addicted to Unseelie (or "The Substance"), the narcotic that <spoiler> deals in Lower. The trippy dreams after Don passed out were great.

To serve and protect.

Fighting pigs for fun and profit.

In keeping with the bardic tradition of losing body parts (see: Orison), Donovan lost an ear in the gang wars. Here's Annie shortly before she bites it off.

Criler was one of Donovan's first associates, and his inspiration for getting Sewertown active. While he cared more about using the Ubelites to undermine any efforts to bring law and order to Lower, it's the thought that counts! I hope everyone involved enjoyed the Sons of Ubel.

Capitalizing on an opportunity to cement the loyalty of his men against a common foe, here's Donovan twisting the death of a friend in demagogue mode at the impromptu funeral of Seeker Criler. I did my best to destroy hope of finding the way to the surface, but no one seemed to listen!

All good things must come to an end, and once Donovan dies he was whisked off to the sweet hereafter... And that's how he remained forever: bitter, alone, and unhappy. Poor Donovan. Maybe he shouldn't have been such an evil bastard.

It's rare to enjoy playing with literally everyone involved.

Special thanks to all of my kneecap-breaking thugs at the Crone (Blue41, PHM, MSD, Broken_Machine, Pup, Krunto, A95, Garem, and Peons), House Iondale (Canzah, YoungBoule, and Isildan), Sewertown and Cave Worm, and Team Shar (you know who you are), all the gangsters I came into contact with (especially Deputy Cool, the most lascivious criminal in EFU history), Apple Crumple, Rith's player, Tricksy Hobbit, and all the low level thugs I scooped up. I had such plans for all of you!

DMs Calculor, Sternhund, and Ninelives too.

Sorry if I left you out! If you have any pictures of our exploits, please post them.

I will post my love when the time is appropriate. Until then, thanks for the good times. I really thought Don and Ar would soon be running things. Guess it's up to Ar... :( :) :P ... So many emotions...

:( We had a lot of fun.

What an untimely end, mate. Great fun rolling with you, the Don' was a good character. ;)

Excellent character! A testament to how one PC can involve a myriad of others.

Nice work, man.


Great character indeed. Thanks man, for all the good times. Since I started playing here, Donovan Chekhov really got ol' Bear cemented in my mind for me. Out of all my others, Bear's the most fun to play, purely because of Team Crone.Needless to say, the Don will be missed.

Good luck with your next character, man. And if any more of the Crone crew dies, I'm gonna be upset.

Wow I wish I rped with you that was a crazy afterlife. A eternity of Damnation is always better than some happy story.

An odd thing to hear from the Love Doctor!

But, on the subject of Donovan! I never got to roleplay with you, which sucked, as you're always great to play alongside, but I heard great things, and it really looks as if you put a lot of thought and consideration into your character and how he could involve the rest of the playerbase. Kudos for that. Have a break, drink some milk, then come back with another kickass character, perhaps one that will cross my character's path once in a while, because, as I said in your other thread.

I miss you so much it hurts sometimes.

Good times :)

Halfbrood I miss you so much it hurts sometimes.

"Just tell him how you feel without sounding like a girl for once".

But seriously, Don was an excellent character who was great fun to be around, and Lower will never be the same without him. I wish I'd had the chance to join you on more of your exploits.

Looking forward to seeing your next concept!

There once was a guy called Donovan, He bitched 'bout stuff until people ran, But wad-da-ya-know, 'T was time to go, and now all I can say is "Good show."

Láá, trálililáá-lá. Tráá, lililila-la.

You turned the Crone into a fun-place, You brought the inn back into the race, People stopped by, Just to say hi, To Do-no-no-no-van the Great.

Láá, trálililáá-lá. Tráá, lililila-la.

Donovan gone makes me sad-sad, Makes your friends much upset-set. You're in my heart, So act good 'n smart, And GTFO ba-ack to EfU.

*makes a note to Have Grantie say hello to Donovan!*

Yay for Donovan!

[Edit:] In retrospect, I just noticed I'm cheering his eternal suffering. Ah well. Yay for Donovan!

Damn damn damn! Tough to see such a great character go, Scaley. It was well and truly and a pleasure to play/plot alongside you as shortly as that lasted. Here's to restless, alcoholic characters, and good luck on your next one. :)

Amazing character, mate. I enjoyed playing with Donny, even though it didn't work out quite well for the two of us.

Looking forward to the next one. ;)

Perhaps it's better that you died before getting Marla killed ;) Still too bad, I had a feeling it would gonna be a lot of fun.

Crone boyz for lyfe. F'sho, homeboy.

<3 the hat.

At least your head will stay in it's place for a while, untill crone goes and moves it into the crone or something.