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Letter to Tyrus Creed


Just wanted to thank you again for the return of my drums, a most excellent thing you did.

I also wanted to update you.

I went back to the Commune after you returned to Sanctuary, i recovered the body of Noirin and saw him raised and also recovered my items (Vergadain would not let me leave such!)

Unfortunately i could find no coin (i had somewhere near 6k). Did you by chance take such? Noirin seemed to remember you doing so, but in his returned state was not making much sense.

I am sure that if you do have it, it would only be the heat of battle and urgency in helping the mad barbarian, that stopped you returning it, as i know your heart to be good.

Anyway, if you have it let me know

Your friend



Again, it's no problem. If your gold pouch was attached underneath your belt, it'll be somewhere around my bag for sure as I carried you around for a long while. Anything which came out of your pockets was recovered and quickly tucked away by me as there was little time to organize everything with that creature behind us. Left my bag in the Last Stand though, wanted to give my shoulders a rest. I'll return immediately and see if I can find it.

Tyrus Creed.

[I'll check when I log on this afternoon. Recall taking it to ressurect you, but I'm not sure as it was AM midnight for me.]