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Up the reward!

The Ice Cave quest could use a better reward when ya kill de Dragon.


You do it for the cool of it, not the lootz!

What's better than getting a DM to give you some proof that you actually killed a dragon other than dragon blood, like scales.

Bragging rights, I killed a dragon did you.... uh no.

True, the experience is what really counts but he makes a valid point, most if not all dragons (especially "Ice Gods" surrounded by many followers) should have a fair amount of good items or a small amount of amazing things.

I'm pretty sure awesome stuff could spawn, it is simply random and since it doesn't happen often.

Dragons can be younger than others, and in various states of gathering a huge pile of gold.

Mort You do it for the cool of it, not the lootz!


Actually, I'm in mind to agree with Tom The Younger.

It varies a bit, but the Dragon has been toned up, and the loot toned down, I believe.

Not happening.

I have heard several times that this dragon is supposedly a match for Etorix. How is i thten that such a pathatic thing that can be slain by a group (WHO DOESN"T EVEN TAKE ONE HIT!) be a match for etorix? Obviously, this dragon could be classisfied as a old White dragon, therefore, aged quite a bit, and having a following would only increase its likely hood of having some amazing, or largely useful loot. At the same time, we cannot precisely gloat (if you are smart enough that is) or other dragon's wil catch wind of us, and come looking to challenge the "Dragon Slayers" on the insult they made on Dragon kind. Yes, you do it for the prestige as well, but honestly, don't you also do it because your blood rises in greed at the thought of a "Dragon Hoard?"

Thomas if you want to have a dragon with a big hoard Then that dragon would probably not be conqored by a small group of adventurers. The dragons with big hoards are the ones that could probably raid a city on its own or could crush sanctuary without breaking a sweat. Also if it was a dragon with a big hoard itd be smart enough to have better minions.

...That was actually helpful Dr.D. But I am still standing by the fact that this quest could use a better, if slightly, reward.

I don't know about you Dr. D but an ice cavern full of massive frost giants, warrior kobolds with sweet weapons, and magelings that if given the chance can put a hurt on you... I consider that pretty much good guards. Though you make a good point about the relative strength of what a strong dragon should be able to do, its possible it could be caught off guard as I doubt it expects people to slaughter its more than formidable guards.

Compared to other quests of "Similiar" difficulty the loot seemed way out of balance. Even quests that are a standard walk such as a Gnoll run seemed to give a more substantial reward than this. Though as someone alrerady said, it may have just been a horrid loot spawn.

I hear there are dragons in the sewers.

... wait, no.

DangerousDan has a Purple Dragon is his vault. Kill him and loot him, he's got teh goodies.

As for the reward: It's still an every day quest, and as was mentioned to me earlier, it was taken down in -2- rounds, without you guys being hit once. A better reward would probably mean it would be spammed for the loot of it.

However, the Dragon can rip apart most groups who don't bring a certain L10 Mage who's renown for his pwnsaucecasting, and the reward does seem slightly off-balanced. Perhaps one of the chests could be set to contain something similar in strength as the item which would spawn in the forge in the spoiler quest.

a certain L10 Mage who's renown for his pwnsaucecasting

Thanks for the mention, guys.

It was a white dragon right? It probably does have plenty of loot, just trapped in the Ice. White dragons love covering their treasures with a layer of ice to make it shine. In terms of RP, the dragon porbably does have loot out the wazoo, just inaccessible loot. The dragon doesn't intend to spent all that gold after all, he just has it because all dragons suffer from the "Oh shiny!" trait.

And at the end of the day, if you feel a quest isn't worth the reward, you're free not to do it. It's an RP server, so theres always plenty more to do than quest.

The above post was me >_> I keep forgetting to log in

I personally believe we should not nerf the dragon, so that people quit griefing him, but I'm in the minority on that.

No you're not!

Make dragon STRONG!

If you're going to make the loot better make the dragon stronger. He ain't that tough.

I ask what age category is the Dragon?

It has transcended age.

Obedience DangerousDan has a Purple Dragon is his vault. Kill him and loot him, he's got teh goodies.


Thomas post that just show off ... =)

Don't know why he do this he'll never make people jealous...

... about that where is this quest anyway ?? 8)

(that was a joke please don't answer that) Olavo is a knight like Dom Quixote (spanish literature) so he needs to kill a dragon.