The Ace Of Blades
2007-06-16 00:11:08 UTC
This was only ten minutes ago, and I tell you, it actually was one of my worst experiences on this game. I talked to one Gnome male PC and two Elven female PCs. We talked about going in the Dunwarren (Sp?) Ruins to hunt some bats. I told them my character's background; an Elven Cleric of Cyric. The two girls started saying how evil I was, refusing to go if I did.. But I didn't care-a bit iffed, but not angry. It was simple roleplaying. I just went to go hunt some rats or beetles (solo) for fun instead.
Now, this is crucial to the story; I had a cloak and some good Scalemail. The girls (both) had Underdark rags and probably daggers.
I went near the girl after finishing, and sat down on the ground. After a few minutes, a white-haired man came up to one of the same girls and said, 'hey, do you want to go and help me down in the lower part of Sanctuary?' I said, 'I'd be happy to help, too, sir.' The girl protested against it telling him that my character was a Cyric follower, and again, said she wouldn't go if I did.
And surprise, surprise! He said, 'No, he won't be coming', when I was clearly equipped better, and we could've all gone.
Now, I assume this guy was some twelve year old looking for some online-pseudo romance, but you know... I still find this rather dumb..
Sorry for the rant.
The Ace Of Blades
The Particular Eleven
2007-06-16 00:28:54 UTC
Overt hatred of one's character when he/she worships an evil deity is to be expected. Trust me. For a long time, the majority of my characters on the servers I played prior to this were Banites. If there is one thing I learned, it's to keep it quite.
Just a suggestion, but, knowing that it will cause problems in the future for your character, and lead to highly interesting RP sessions that'll raise the hair on the back of your neck, you should actually say NOTHING of the god you pray too, yet continue to heal the party.
It can be rather fun dodging questions and manipulating character opinions.
But then, that's just me. Boy, makes me want to play a Banite cleric again. :twisted:
2007-06-16 00:38:16 UTC
That sounds like good role playing, to me. Openly admitting being a priest of an evil god will garner a great deal of mistrust. Your whole "better equipped" argument is incredibly meta/power-gamish, in my opinion.
[edit] As an aside, I encourage you to look at incidents like that as opportunities, not obstacles. :)
2007-06-16 00:43:10 UTC
Anybody that says they are a priest of Cyric openly shouldn't expect to be invited to parties. They scare off the hotties.
2007-06-16 00:49:00 UTC
A Banite should not be quiet about their tyranny. Praise Bane! And make others praise him, too! Unless of course, you simply worship Bane out of fear.
As for Cyric, his followers (especially full-blown clerics) should be a little more discreet. They're expected to sow the seeds of chaos and ruin in non-Cyricist societies. Even the followers of other evil gods may shun a Cyricist, because he plots to overthrow their gods.
Excerpt of Cyric's Dogma
Death to all who oppose Cyric. Bow down before his supreme power, and yield to him the book of those that do not believe in his supremacy. Fear and obey those in authority, but slay those that are weak, of good persuasion, or false prophets. Battle against all clergy of other faiths, for they are false prophets and forces who oppose the One True Way.
This is about half of all the death and destruction Cyric wants to bring to those who oppose him and his church (which is everyone except him and his church). The reaction you got is to be expected - as a cleric, this is the purpose of your life!
That said, there are places for everyone in EFU (and in a broader sense, the Realms). Sometimes these places are dominated by evil PCs/NPCs, and there's a distrust/hatred for the "Just"/good-aligned gods and their followers comparable to other good/neutral dominated areas. Keep looking, and if you can't find a niche - try to make one!
The Particular Eleven
2007-06-16 00:55:18 UTC
A Banite should not be quiet about their tyranny. Praise Bane! And make others praise him, too! Unless of course, you simply worship Bane out of fear.
I never said they were quite. In fact, my characters used their Banite ties to overtly cause conflict. They were also the sort of people who liked to mess with a persons head big time.
Anyway, what the others said basically holds true. Such is life for an evil cleric. But then, taking on that sort of prejudice makes the experience more fun (for me anyway) and gives my evil characters more excuses to really f*** people up.
Another point of advice I feel I should give: have fun with the prejudice. Make it your weapon and a tool to wreak havoc with, as my old Banite cleric Virgil would say. :twisted:
Squall and Rinoa Forever
2007-06-16 01:29:17 UTC
I was the white-haired person in question!
2007-06-16 01:38:49 UTC
As one who played a cleric of Cyric and enjoyed the experience on this server entirely, I would have to agree, the response you got was not OOC metagameing or prejudice, rather quite proper IC roleplay, Cyric, is a god of silent murder and betrayal, lies and deceit, to name a few. As a cleric of Cyric, you could quite well lie about who you followed and be totally within your dogma, planning to reveal it to them only as you wrench out there hearts on the sacrificial alter once you gained there trust. Or simply not be proclaiming your god, not that there is anything wrong with it, play as you see fit, but others that have gone before you have left his name with a bit of a IG public taint :twisted:
It is kind of like being a goblin and trying to walk into the gates of the City and complaining that the guards keep trying to kill you on sight.(That is their orders, goblins are evil on this server 99.9% of the time, unless apped for.)
2007-06-16 01:43:45 UTC
Doesn't mean every peon with 0 lore in Sanctuary should know the dogma of every gods, no matter how well-known those gods are known by the playerbase.
The Beggar
2007-06-16 01:48:14 UTC
As well, elven -clerics- of cyric I would likely expect to about as rare as a good aligned red dragon that wasn't interested in gold or power.
That said, your arguements are unfounded Ace of Blades. That was good characterization and RP of elves (as a race generally good aligned) and as a race would generally be opposed to supporting a cleric of an evil god, let alone an elf that has sold out his own faith and race to not only worship, but devote himself to a generally human god of evil. By your comments, it sounds like you were more angry at not being able to quest and gain XP/gold, rather than RPing out your very unusual character background against a picture of more normal elves.
The Ace Of Blades
2007-06-16 01:58:31 UTC
I overeacted. I suppose I should suck it up, and well, be more discreet.
Sorry for making a dumb complain thread; and to Squall and Rinoa... Sorry for the insult.
The Ace of Blades
2007-06-16 01:59:47 UTC
As one of the elves in rags, my character's reaction to you was mainly based on what TheBeggar has said about selling out the Seldarine and praising Cyric.
Also, on a slightly related note, never underestimate someone just because they wear rags. Not everyone needs armour. 8)
Jayde Moon
2007-06-16 03:53:42 UTC
Doesn't mean every peon with 0 lore in Sanctuary should know the dogma of every gods, no matter how well-known those gods are known by the playerbase.Example:
While not every peon with a 0 in lore would know the dogma of EVERY god there are a few gods in general that you can reasonably expect a large percentage of the population WILL know generalizations about.
Cyric is one of them.
2007-06-16 04:24:01 UTC
Without getting into my personal philosophy about Cyric, his clergy, his worshippers, and the general adventuring response to his name uttered ... it's good to see people are roleplaying well, and this was solved so quickly. Welcome to the Underdark!
Squall and Rinoa Forever
2007-06-16 06:24:01 UTC
Oh, you don't have to apologize! What you said was actually true. I wanted to get some alone time with that hot elf (she had a massive tattoo on her back-hell, yes?), plus, I wanted to maximize my GP/XP gain by having a two-person party.
Anyway, though, was fun meeting you, and welcome to the Underdark!
2007-06-16 19:26:48 UTC
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, it's still the same to me
The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
2007-06-16 19:28:55 UTC
Okay. This is just getting silly now.