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Letter addressed to Reev left at the Last Stand

Reev, I have composed a few pieces that may interest you, which are enclosed. Lamentably, in my current condition I cannot sing them myself, but there are still few who can handle the lyre here as well as I. You may reach me at the Last Stand.

Yohn O'Culfinn

*Enclosed are three songs and sheet music*

The Tale of Bug

Take heed, and hear the tale of this one of orcish blood, size of a rothe, strength of ten men, and all the wits of a stone. The deadliest foe to ever stalk the realms below called Sanctuary home.

Clad head to toe in iron plate, shimmering black as his soul, it's said the one called Bug once felled a troll with a single blow, The strongest foe to ever stalk the realms below called Sanctuary home.

In a pit of kobolds it's said, he broke the arm of a man, Bug merely meant to shake his hand. And exiled from the city gates the coin of many did Bug take. Not Drake nor Drow nor Gnoll nor Shade, could stand before his mighty blade.

Yet Bug, poor soul, lacked the wit to tell friend from foe, and if rumors be believed, in hunger ate a halfling whole, and for this they took his head. The axe struck his thick neck thrice before winning through, 'tis said.

Now Bug meets all who make merry at the Crone, for the greatest foe to ever stalk these realms below, forever calls Sanctuary home.

And yet this thug can teach us all, although his wits were dim, for not once dumb Bug did fear the dark, but made the dark fear him,

So too can we, with strength of will, hold fast 'gainst any foe, and strike fear into their black hearts, be it Drake or Drow or Gnoll, For the mightiest in all the realms below, call Sanctuary home.

The Ballad of Morgan Maddocks

Tis said that in her veins, ran the blood of devils, for no mortal lass could drain a glass as fast as Morgan Maddocks

Three times her weight in whiskey, could the scrawny girl put away, Many a wild eve, many glasses raised, many flagons emptied, and many dwarves ashamed

And from the council hall, Morgan did shout, "What you need is revelry! Now break those casks of spirits out! for here you may be in lands far from the sun, but even here you may still eat and drink and have some fun!"

"For battle bred or humble, we all must play our part, so meat and ale for ALL to fill their belly and their heart, even a craven may drink without fear, whate'er may come tomorrow, For with enough fast friends and enough stout ale, a stout heart's sure to follow!"

And in the bottom of the bottle did Morgan meet her end, and the brewers and their purses had reason for lament. But sometimes she returns, in drunken wild delight, to raise a hellish ruckus throughout the endless night.

Tis said that in her veins, runs the blood of devils, for no mortal lass could drain a glass as fast as Morgan Maddocks

Lament for Spencer Twist

Ale and food and song, beds and a fire as warm as the sun, friends and fun and rest, how we miss thee, Spencer Twist

A generation stood the tavern, a haven for the desperate and tired, many glasses raised with friends, how we miss thee, Spencer Twist

But then fell to ash a storm of scale and fire, and gone was the Rock Bottom and its beloved proprieter, who gave his life's blood in it and our defence, how we miss thee, Spencer Twist


I really like the last piece. I've heard things of Bug; most paint him as a murderous brute. Whether true or no I cannot say, but the piece I think could be slightly modified to emphasise more what strength and fortitude can accomplish for people, and perhaps less emphasis on his thuggish nature.

The second piece, the one about the drunken Maddocks doesn't really seem to fit the criteria. Which battles did she fight, and how was she a hero? I'm not familiar with her tale, but if she aided the city in any way or its people, it should be included. As it is, it just doesn't fit the criteria.

I do appreciate all pieces, though. I'd also let you know I have two of the finely crafted bard's rings [Extra 3rd level slot, +2 Perform] now, so if you could perhaps write new pieces on other heroes, or modify your existing ones, I'll be happy to award you with both. This, in addition to the fame and respect you will earn in the city once your pieces are prominently displayed.


Reev Devout of Tempus


With regards to the first piece, I concede the point and shall see if I cannot turn it into something a little more suitable.

However, regarding the second, I would remind you that it is not only battle and steel a hero makes. There are many here who have not the strength or means to wield the sword, but loved Morgan much. Listen to the murmurings of the humbler folk, and I have no doubt that this song, of the three, will be most beloved by them.

In any case, I shall revise both pieces and you may expect them on the morrow.

Regards, Yohn

Reev, Enclosed are the revised works, as promised. I believe you will find the changes subtle, a verse here or there, but a bit more suitable for your tastes.

Regards, Yohn O'Culfinn

Enclosed are the revised pieces* [//see the edits]


The edited pieces are great, and suit my purposes well. Stop by the Arena to see me for your reward anytime.

[Just send me a tell next time you see me IG!]
