A sign is posted out near The Pissing Crone
Fellow men, women, beggars and orphans of Lower,
Let's keep this simple. The Spellguard don't welcome us in their land, so let's not welcome them in ours. Below is a list of Agents and Associates. If you love your freedom, do what you can to chase them out. The brave should kill them on sight.
If you identify more Agents or Associates, list them here. We will confirm the information is true and add them to the master list.
- The Ubel Family and Friends
Agents: Agents spy upon Lower from an invisible guise.
Agent Charles Sennik Agent Chelene Blake Agent Raiden Graden
Associates: Associates may take any form. Keep an eye out for them.
Gnorman the Tinker - Insane gnome. Aspiring Agent. Notable for carrying around a crossbow that he claims is his wife. The crossbow's name is Melinda, probably after the bitch vampire Melinda Bresley. Bonus points for the one who steals and burns the crossbow.
"K" - Known for selling odd wares. To buy her wares is to support the Spellguard regime.
Red - Lady in a red hood and cloak. Quiet.
Ferrand - Man who carries a sword and armor. Holds a symbol of Helm and wears red and black attire. Also has a short and possibly stylish haircut. Was seen attacking The Clan Cave Worm Tribe in the streets of Lower and Mycopolis. Has lots of magic shit, wears yellow armor and a winged plate when wandering Lower. Uses the name "Jon" in Lower. Often seen with an invisible magic type nearby; likely an Agent.
Noirin Waken the "Lore Master" - Thinks he's the caretaker of The Beacon. (When we all know it should be Winston!) In reality, he's a Spellguard Associate. A dwarf that's known to carry around a gnarled staff. He claims he retired from the Associate Program, but we know better! Supporters of the Spellguard shall not be supported in this land! Let's eliminate this Spellguard influence within the house of charity!
Misc. Information:
* The Spellguard hold a variety of bases here in Lower. Keep an eye out for them. One is notably next to the staircase where the lift once was. It served as a barracks for the Bhast Mercenaries and a base for The Spellguard.