The Red Skull Temple has accumulated various goods from the enlightened who have ascended to paradise and no longer have need of them.
All proceeds go towards funding Temple construction. When complete, the Temple will provide a quiet place of peace for all, free of corruption from outside voices. It will be a sanctuary within Sanctuary for all the troubled souls who seek calm.
Donations of coin, contracts of labour, or materials to support construction are also welcome.
The Temple's skilled members may also provide healing, application of herbs and tonics, interpretation of mysterious objects, or other services for a small donation. Advice and guidance are offered freely.
Contact Brother Thelonious at the Temple to purchase any of the following: A sparking dagger. While it does channel electricity when striking your enemy [+1 electrical damage], it also makes the wielder's body somewhat conductive [25% electicity vulnerability].
Two flame shooters, made by the Deep Gnomes. [Burning hands (2), 3 uses]
A green-glowing slimy club that seems to emit ooze of various size. [Summon Creature 1/2/3, acid splash]
10 acidic arrows [Acid 1 damage]
10 acidic bolts [Acid 1 damage]
51 dwarf-hunting bolts [1d4 acid damage vs dwarf]
A strange amulet made of bone. [Ghoul Touch single use, Summon Creature II single use, usable by non-Good only]
Slimy padded armor that protects against the spell Hold Person. [+4 save vs acid, immune: Hold Person]
A very slimy ring. [+1 save vs acid/poison, Summon creature I single use]
A longsword designed for those who would fight dragons. [+1 AB vs Dragon, 8 uses of Flame Weapon]
An arcane rod that can blast your enemies with magical missiles or blasts of cold.
A single electrified bolt [on hit: Gedlee's Electric Loop]
Six arrows for a hunter [bludgeoning, 2 dmg vs animal]
A pair of locksmith's gloves [+3 open locks]