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I had a question on what Were-Beings were supported.








A simple Yes or No on each would really help. Thanks!

Rats, Cats, Wolves. I'm sure that several of the others could be scripted in if a good enough application was submitted, but there isn't any models for crocodiles as far as I know.

Would Lizard-Men work?

Werecat, werewolf and wererat are easily supported because NWN has the appropriate hybrid models. Those three are the ones that RP PWs generally support if they do have werecreatures. Wereshark and werelizard are more problematic in that regard (I've never even heard of werelizards!), but they should be doable in principle if you get creative with the toolset. Werecrocodile would be downright impossible without haks (which we don't have in EfU) because there's nothing like a crocodile model in NWN. Werebat is feasible with the models given, but since actual flight is not supported in NWN, it would be a bit of a stretch to play one.

So I believe only werecrocodile is pretty much out of the question due to engine limitations, but any of the rest can be done if there's a need for it. I imagine your application would have to be very, very good, however, and to my knowledge only werecats, werewolfs and wererats are already scripted in some form. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong!) In any case, it's my understanding that you shouldn't really even consider applying for a wererace if you haven't shown a consistent level of roleplay with a non-application character yet.

I think were-bat could be done too, but I dont know that that is a traditionally supported were on NWN.

And so my werecrocodile application was rejected, O woe unto the Sebekan followers!

To the best of my knowledge, the only Lycens you can get in a D'n'D setting like FR is Were-Wolf Were-Boar Were-Rat Were-Bear Were-Tiger

And as far as I know, the only models avalible on the NWN toolset is the Were-Wolf and Were-Rat, other models would need to be used for the rest (though Rakasha may work for Were-Tiger)

Edit: Not sure if it applys on EFU too, but any Lycen (other than were-wolves) displays traits which can give off their heritage even in their humonoid forums. Were-Tigers, for instance, are usally taller and more muscler than other humonoids of their kind.

Were-Cat exists as a model in the NWN toolset.

You're all just repeating what Anthee so eloquently stated.

There are werelions, and there have been werelions on EfU.

Such as Ivandur Reynolt.