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Dyes and variety

I've always wondered what the deal with ogres, kobolds and monsters of the Underdark dropping dye pots all over the place, but I understand it's so that we can color our gear. Which is very cool.

I'd like to suggest that some more simple dyes be made available, particularly cloth and leather dyes. Both the tailor near the bazaar and the leatherworker in the Last Stand do have a limited number of dyes - including the much overused blacks - but I'd like to see a bit more selection if possible.

Before someone commences on giving me a lecture on how hard it is to make certain dyes and that's why they are rare, explain to me why a goblin is hiding a pot of "dye, light metal" under his loincloth or wedged in his rear.

And as Mort has commented earlier, if you feel like making a smartass remark, don't. I've noticed that about every other suggestion thread, the poster gets some demeaning crack fired at him/her, and I think that defeats the purpose of the forum.


As tempting as it is to make a smartass comment, i'll refrain. I'm fully in support of this idea, in any case!

More love for Liira.

Send all smartass comments via PM, so as to not clutter the thread. XD.

Specifially, I'd like to see all the simple colors available. Even a light and dark version if possible.

For example, there is olive/dark green/ranger green - all of which are about the same. I'm looking for some light green for RP purposes. I would think having lots of colors for cloth at least, maybe leather would be cool.

RPing a search for light green dye for a common cloak doesn't sound very appealing to me - sorry.

For the record, and I stress this a lot: Dye is easy to make.

Mushrooms, insects, slime, acid--all produce various dye colors. Even "rare" colors like purple come from snails; snails are not hard to find in the Underdark I imagine.

Troll dye called "mali" or something is light green.

To go along with Oro, dyes of every shade and variety were used by virtually all early peoples of the world. There is no color that could not be produced using simple materials and a little elbow grease.

In summary, I fully support this!


I thought Oro was suggesting I RP making some green dye.

BLEECCHH! I'd rather mow my yard and make my shoes green.

Thanks to Pup for clearing it up for me!

It's pretty fun looking out for dyes too. You'll enjoy it much better once you find it. I've had to look for ages for cloth white dyes (leather is available), and others for light green and pink. It's good RP occasion.

Any DM thoughts on this? Have fun looking for that oh, so rare light green dye, or done when someone has time to put a few more pots at the tailors'?

I'm out of the dye industry.