[this short speech was delivered by Reev:]
Citizens of Sanctuary.
Just this hour we finalized the budget and delivered its contents to the Treasury and Watch. This budget prioritizes the Watch that defends Sanctuary and the two settlements of New Dunwarren and the Spellguard Machinist Colony that lie within our walls and gates as the eminent defense organisation.
The large pool of discretionary funding will be put toward community projects that we have in mind for the city, including a massive city forge, a massive city rothe pen, a granary, the reclaiming of the mines and the subsequent exploration of more ore veins, a war academy and finally a city research institute. All of these projects will provide jobs and excellent returns for our economy and morale.
At this point in time I would call on all citizens to do their best to support the Watch in any way possible. Trust in them as they defend you with their own sweat and blood every dark hour that passes. Heed not the plotting and promises of weak men, but stand strong in your dedication to the city.