Posted prominently about town
Greetings, citizens of our home town! Many have asked about how Andy feels about the issues, and so, here he is, to reveal to you what the future holds!
Q: Do you believe in more, less, or the same amount of power for the Watch?
A: Once I am voted councillor, the Watch will be stripped of all authority. They will have new helms designed, with fine, phallic helmets replacing the mundane current variety, and they will still patrol all hours of the day, except now they will dispense rancid fish to those who pay a fee of one gold to have rancid fish dispensed to a rival.
Q: What about the trouble in Lower? How do you plan to solve it?
A: The Tigereyes, in conjunction with animatron warriors developed by the Church of Cyric using lost svirf technology, will essentially make any attempt of social conformity forbidden. Imagine, citizens, waking up, and heading to your job on a peaceful day, and opening the shoppe door to find an enormous robot destroying everything! This is ultimate freedom! No binding ties to normalcy or consistency, freedom for Sanctuary! Praise Ubel!
Q: What of the issue of growing minority groups, such as the dwarves, appearing and demanding fair representation?
A: I have a plan, developed with my advisor Lord Ham, that I like to call the Free Dwarven Unity Plan, or FDUP. Under this plan, we shall endeavor to go to great lengths to bring all dwarvenkind together, as one, so as to improve the ease with which they may be slaughtered and processed for Rothe feed, so that we, better, races, may dine on fine meat slightly more often. We deserve it, citizens!
Q: What about taxes?
Under my plan, in the new, Free, Sanctuary, all citizens will continue to pay taxes. However, now the power is with the people! The first citizen to come to Town Hall and commit suicide, will decide how every penny of the year's taxes is spent! It could be you!
What about the inefficiency of the Council? Do you propose any changes in structure?
Yes!! When issues come to the fore, often times, the Council hems and haws and drags things on forever. No more, says Andy! Once Andy is on the Council, issues raised will no longer be voted on. Now, each memeber shall choose one (1) citizen to represent them in a battle to the death. The Councillor who has chosen the winner of the deathmatch, shall have his way on the proposed issue. The losing Councillors will be executed.
Vote for Ultimate Freedom and Cyric!
Vote for Andy!