To say i was born and raised in Sanctuary would be a half truth at best, for I was a slave once. Back when i was much younger which is almost a foolish thing to say considering i am but eighteen years on this world, anyway, I was held by Drow slavers with what i can only think to be my father. A proud man who spoke of better days and vailant knights. Such stories give you hope in the darkness and one day we where free. Father died to help us escape saying in the end only he loved me. Our rescuers, free folk of Sanctuary brought us to this place and we where placed in the care of the Orphange. Oldest of the children I would tell them the stories father told me and of the hero's that rescued us from our torment. We have been here some years now and for most of us it is the only home we know now. My fathers tales, of those brave knights made my path, for I sought the knights path and in service to my fathers god Ilmater to whom he had once served as knight. Born to nothing I have little need for gold or property or title. My only hope is I prove a useful servant and can one day be with my father again.
The Journals of Kaylee Fenner
Sanctuary has changed much since we first walked through her gates. Lower is as much a mad place as ever though perhaps not so bad as before. Upper was chaotic for a time till the council was reformed and while I do not like how it was done it seems to have been for the best. Strengest of all, the new city of New Dunwarren, a city of the Triad where the great temple of tyr stands against the darkness that surrounds our home. Part of me wants to join them in that place, with folk who understand my life path and the words of my god, yet the bigger part iof me remembers where i came from. The orphange lies with little or no care now and still the children look for folk to take them in. Maybe its time i gave something back, maybe i can work in the Orphange and help the children. To have someone to talk to that lived the lives thay do might make it all the easier. I'll write to the council and ask about the situation and how i might help, after all, who are we but the sum of all that has happened to us and If i can in some way lend those children some comfort them who am I not to.
Maybe its just me but how does murder ever help anyone. The past days have seen a kobold killed in lower and while i could feel the evil in the little creatures heart it was largely harmless and was killed for no more reason than what it was. And now the ancient war between Bane and Torm has come to our home as the men that follow these gods kill eachother in arena fights for nothing more than honour and a few harsh words. Seems that endless suffering is just part of life here and its always for no reason. How can i best do what Ilmater would have me do when everytime i try i get threatened and ignored. Last recourse seems to be just to heal the wounded and keep people safe from monsters and villians that would hurt them but i dont know how best to start this.
I have met a brother of faith though he is likily the oddest brother i could ever have. Snorri Gotrekson, a dwarf of clan Stoatheart is a priest of our lord Ilmater and somewhat strange when compaired to his kinsmen but he's a kind and thoughtful soul and will be a good friend i am sure. We where taken by a kobold to see the aftermath of an attack by some blood crazy fool in lower, not even the children where spaired. What kind of monster kills children, its a sin from which no soul can be redeemed. Then again in this city sin seems to be left unpunished by large which greatly disheartens me. Folk are struck down for the smallest reasons and it is thought normal. When is it right to kill a man for being what he is? This madness is as bad as that which brought lower to the state it lies in now and nothing will change it unless the people who act as this are held to account by the watch and the gods. For my own part I will do what i can to relieve the suffering of the people as best i can and place my trust in Ilmater to watch over them.