LoL. Gave me the laugh of the night. :lol:
No insults were in any way personally intended, towards anyone.
LoL. Gave me the laugh of the night. :lol:
No insults were in any way personally intended, towards anyone.
Thank you. Enjoyed it too.
Sad to say we did get some negative comment. I fully understand this is an english language server so I'm very careful to speak only in English. I don't see why speaking with a French accent has upset some people so much - I don't notice the mock cockney halflings and mock Scots and Yorkshire Dwarves getting a hard time.
I think I saw the two characters you played, was annoying to read at least the dwarves that talk like this "Ye' be needen' som' 'elp 'addy?" you can understand a bit easier at least for me.
It's kind-of immersion breaking. :oops:
Helkesst played a Dwarf with Western Euro/Scandinavian accent, and a human with a French accent.
French babes are smokin' hot, as long as they shave, LOL.
On a sidenote, as long as a DM doesn't tell these dudes to stop, then you other people shouldn't be bashing them. It's poor form to try to stifle others' fun. If you don't like them, ignore them and get on with whatever it is you do ingame that's so crucial, serious, and important.
Accents = good. Throwaway characters that don't belong in the Underdark = bad.
I had just made a character named Goutieri and I was terrified of being clumped in with those two.
As has been mentioned, leave it to the DMs if there's a problem with something like this. You can kindly suggest it in a tell or similar if you wish, but really, you've got no right to demand another player to change his roleplay.
On another note, pirates have accents, and we all know pirates are hawt.
End of story.
Mon Dieu!
well i don't want to sound like a party pooper but first i know someone who's French but speaks English and they don't speak anything like the way it was being done IG which was more of a cartoony exaggerated poke fun at the French accent so i did find it a little insulting. Second if your not supposed to use sentances in elvish, Dwarfish or Orcish why should you be using them in French? and finally there is no France in forgotten realms so using French as a language is just plain silly.
Sorry if this seemed a little bit of a rant but just saying what i feel on the subject.
I thought it was utterly hilarious to see those fops running around. I don't think French people really act that way (well, I don't think it, -because- of these guys).
It's all in good fun, and even if it is slightly immersion breaking, that's fine by me, considering the setting atmosphere in Upper, 90% of the time when I'm logged in, seems that of quiet boredom. I don't terribly mind -that- bit of immersion being broken, frankly.
So it seems that this is a rather a split vote.
Whilst Kingcod and myself created these chevaliers to provide a rather different angle from the Barbarian feminists and our Verisa and Sandy characters it seems that any innovation is looked upon by some as "immersion breaking".
I suspect that perhaps if Mr R.A Salvatore or Weis and Hickman had written one of their characters as having a gallic angle then this would be entirely acceptable. What a shame then on that note Tolkein's dwarves weren't from Peru or his Orcs sound Jamaican..."See dat hobbit maan..."
I'll defer to DM opinion on this one.
Well how would your character react to someone talking like that? It doesn't matter if it annoys you OOC.
You're going to tell me that the "Comte of Chou fleur" which is Count of Cabbages was a serious and well-designed character which had lots of artistic value?
Seriously bro, Captain Carrots or people with names like that are immersion-breaking, we don't have to go to DMs to settle -that-, I hope.
or of course people could just acquire a sense of humour (ooh, which merchant sells that one?)... if lots of people can wander round being po-faced and coming out with mock-heroic language that would be rejected as a bit corny by the writers of pirates of the caribbean, then maybe we can live with a couple of characters with an accent from somewhere in faerun that happens to our OOC eyes to look a bit like french. what exactly does tha accent of a sword coaster look like when you write it down? it's like people who tell you you're mispronouncing latin.
Ok... so I'm pleased this has been a reasonably constructive debate - one of the many reasons EFTU is the thinking players server.
Just to bust a myth - neither character speaks French nor will be doing so in future. We had a good look at the rules and certainly don't intend to say anything that can't be understood. In fact its been other players who, perhaps taking things a step too far, have responded to us with full blown french phrases. I'm happy to prompt others to keep it in English.
RP with our characters and you'll find that, perhaps unsurprisingly, they don't come from France. You'll also find a developing storyline. They are modeled on chivalrous knights from a part of Europe other than England and have a set of mannerism to match. The accent is part of that and its there to enrich what we do.
If you don't want to RP with these characters then no problem.
To be honest I have more difficulty with characters saying 'hi' and 'no freakin' way' but I'm still happy to RP with them as I know what they mean.
Anyway its the DMs call.
Maybe we can write up the long list of accents used in game? I can count about 6 in my head .... :)
I have no problem with people speaking with an accent what i dont like is speaking in an accent that is not even the real way people who have an accent like that speak and is instead the way you see the way they are portrayed in say Monty Python and the holy grail which is an exagurated kind of speaking which is designed to poke fun at that culture.
I want us all to speak Common, with the real alphabet. And all rogues must speak Thieves' Cant.
Dilandau Kale I have no problem with people speaking with an accent what i dont like is speaking in an accent that is not even the real way people who have an accent like that speak and is instead the way you see the way they are portrayed in say Monty Python and the holy grail which is an exagurated kind of speaking which is designed to poke fun at that culture.
C'est la vie.
It's just an accent. Surely nothing here was in any way meant as an offence. I mean, the dwarves talk with stereotypical Scottish accents, but nobody picks up on that.
I think all stereotypable accents have been "done" on EFU by now (including Jamaican and oriental accents, to name two I was never expecting to encounter). We might take it into consideration (in a negative or positive way depending on the character/player) when reviewing a faction/prestige class/miscellaneous perk applications, but I don't think we'll be stopping accents unless we believe it's intentionally debasing or incomprehensibly disruptive.
As for speaking with a stereotypical scottish accent i have no problem with that since I am Scottish and that is the way a lot of Scottish people talk Especially in the highlands and in the isles. What i would be against is using a false exaggerated way of doing Scottish and then trying to pass it off as a proper Scottish accent. That i would actually find rather offensive.
What exactly is a false exaggerated Scottish accent?
"Oi, laddeh whut are ye doooin."
That sounds a little exaggerated to me, and yet I've seen people use accents exactly like that on EfU.
Actually in the Highlands that is how many Scottish people talk.
If you want an example of how Highland Scots talk read a comic strip called Oor Wullie (and please no jokes this is an actual comic strip name)
The question still stands.. how far can one go until the immitation becomes poor and offensive?
Well like i said i know a French person that speaks English and generally they say and spell every word the exact same way an English person does (With the very occasional slip with letters and words) Whereas Monty Python speech would have you believe that they cant pronounce the word 'the' without removing a letter and changing another to a Z.
Halfbrood The question still stands.. how far can one go until the immitation becomes poor and offensive?
I don't like the way you roleplay. You need to change it.
Kotenku I don't like the way you roleplay. You need to change it.
Actually, their way of writing typing sounded a lot like a non-English speaking French person reading English. It also seemed to me that the characters were based on French noblemen near the start of the French revolution.
This is very important. I think we need to open up a committee to determine which accents are appropriate for the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, determine where the boundaries of good taste end, and determine which accents will require applications to be sent in to the DMs.
Before we do that, we should discuss this thread for several more pages.
So, Dilandau, you condemn the stereotyping of one regional accent and promote the use of another? Hypocritical at the least.
Using internet web comics as a basis for your research into speech dialects is probably not a good start, to say the least.
Conondrum in red if you had bothered reading my post you would have seen that i have no problem with regional accents what i am against is using an accent that is not the way they speak and say that it is the accent. Second am not basing my research on a webcomic as previously stated i am Scottish so i am basing it on the way people in my country actually speak. Third Oor wullie is not a webcomic it is a once a week comic strip printed in the Sunday post a Scottish newspaper..
Alright, this has gotten preposterous. People: Let it go.
There is nothing here worth being offended over. Just stop.
Stop. Don't bloody respond to this post- or any of the others. Let the topic die.
Just as a closing remark- I LOVED the performance. A real blast.
--End Topic--
Not like Walker, Underdark Ranger.
Circle kicks for Great Justice.
What exactly is a false exaggerated Scottish accent?Dwarves are partly based off Scottish Mythology, thats why many act like that"Oi, laddeh whut are ye doooin."
That sounds a little exaggerated to me, and yet I've seen people use accents exactly like that on EfU.
I'm Scottish, it's never offended me. I know 3 other players here in RL, who are also Scotish. It's never offended them.
However, in the olden days (and even today in some parts of Scotland), people actully speak like that. I've yet to met a frenchmen who speaks in the same style as the Monty Python french knights.
In fact, if I recall correctly, the only french player I have ever met on EFU was greatly offended when he saw Helkesset's character whom had spoken in such a way.
And one last simple point. If it really okay for this accent to go around, why is there even a topic asking if it is okay? Dwarves speaking in Scotish accents have -never- had a topic like this on any forum I have -ever- seen.
I would much, much, much, much, much, much, much rather see someone badly butcher an ethnic accent and have egos bruised somewhere enough to have people complaining, than I would to see someone NOT try something they think would add positive flavor to the game.
Really, if you're THAT insecure about your nationality, adopt a new one.
Nero24200 And one last simple point. If it really okay for this accent to go around, why is there even a topic asking if it is okay?That's just it. There isn't.
Well...erm...that span on for a bit.
I think we can draw a line under this one now as someone said earlier. I think our Frenchies shall remain unless a DM say's otherwise, but it's always nice to have a debate and chew the fat and all that...
I'd just like to finish with a little poem i picked up whilst travelling the Sudan.
Said Hamlet to Ophelia, I'll draw a sketch of thee, What kind of pencil shall I use? 2B or not 2B?
(Thank you the late, great Spike Milligan)
This is *not* a topic "asking if it's okay". I made it to commend what I thought was a great addition and make clear that none of the very damn harsh words comming out of my character's mouth were personally intended.
Personally think this is a bit of a luxury-problem (or, even, a non-issue). Don't you have anything better to argue over? Srsly, if you want to get upset over something, this is a pretty bad thing to do it over - though I guess if you really put your mind to it, you can probably interpret everything as an insult.
Best would be a topic lock.