Edit: The metafaction concept has more or less reached its end, and the information in these posts is horribly outdated.
To help players and DMs manage the recent regional splits in Sanctuary, open Metafaction Usergroups have been created. The Machine Separatists, Mycopolans, and New Dunwarren Separatists can be joined by anyone following approval by the Usergroup's moderator, but these Metafactions will be carefully moderated by both DMs and PCs. Membership in the Metafaction represents a character of yours spending significant time in the areas controlled by the Metafaction, including affiliations with its PCs and spying. If the PCs/NPCs of a Metafaction would make your character unwelcome or dead, you might have a rejected/removed subscription to the Usergroup. If you think you're justified in having access to a Metafaction board despite the moderator's decision, feel free to send me a forum PM explaining why.
Machine Separatists Moderator: (Group) Oroborous / (Board) Spellguard Members
- Led by the Spellguard and their Associates, those who live in or near the Spellguard-controlled zone are represented by this Metafaction, as well as characters loyal to the Spellguard. Members of the Spellguard and the Associates automatically gain access to the Machine Colony board.
- Led by a new arrival making a great impact in the former Canal Ward, those living in Mycopolis or affiliated with their cause are represented by this Metafaction. Members of the Cave Worm Clan automatically gain access to the Mycopolis board.
- Led by Stanislaw Lem, a blind Tyrran supported by the aging Baron Maxwell von Matterheim, those who live in the old Residential District or prefer to live in a theocracy of the Triad are represented by this Metafaction. Members of the Society of the Ordered Mind automatically gain access to the New Dunwarren board.