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Versions of EfU notes page

List of fixes per version of EfU?

I know that arkov and the rest of the Dm staff make updates and thus the build version number goes up from time to time.

What I am curious is if the DM staff could put what was changed in a log that's accessible to us. I know that many of the changes usually are adding plot areas or fixing exploits, and thus can't be spoken of in detail, but perhaps a summary version would be nice.

Such as (these are examples only:

EfU v.1999 Fixed well known exploit in Book Store Changed Lower Sanctuary Buildings to reflect IG events gave rangers +2 to hide/MS when in wilderness areas Removed Main sanctuary gates due to recent Lizard attack.

EfU v.1998 Fixed ladder bug in Goblin quest Added new DM plot area Fixed short sword exploit Added 2 new level 2-3 quests.


This would help peopel who've had to take a brief leave of abscence or for us to know if a bug is fixed or not that used to make quests un-doable or whatever.

Also they should only give cryptic information about IG events. The lizard attack, says, yes, we were attacked by lizards, but doesn't give any details (was there a ransom? did anyone die? do we have a plague now because of it?).


If there already exists such a thing then post a link and I'll edit this threat accordingly.

This, would be fricken awesome.

Does this really add anything? I mean, the changes go in anyway and most of them are technical things and there are also some things that could be spoilerish. It seems to me it adds little other than more laborious work for Arkov! I guess its up to him, though.

We have this for us. Yet, I think a great deal of it would be spoilers for you. Sorry, not happening!

A lot of our changes are either FOIG, behind-the-scenes technical stuff, or worthy of their own special announcement (barbarian changes, evil kobold/goblin subrace being available w/o app, etc).

We also test a lot of new systems before players know we're even working on them. Best not to ruin the surprise!

Thinking about the different kind of work that's done on the module, the only type of 'modification' that is worth mentioning usually already get their own announcements. Everything else is best found out in game or does not need to be mentioned (and/or shouldn't be mentioned). It might be fun for you all to read, but I don't think it will happen.